Chapter 5: Tom is getting soft

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Harry sat on his bed, it was starting to get late but all his dorm-mates were in the common room, it was someone's birthday so they were staying up late celebrating. Harry didn't know the birthday person so he had decided to stay out of it and read his book.

Time is a mysterious factor, nobody can stop it, so life moves on. The time turner, though not stopping time, reverses time for the person who wears it. Though time turners do not de-age people by turning back their time, they instead turn back everyone else's time, without anyone being any the wiser.

However, during my extensive research on time turners in my youth, I discovered that it was not the device that reverses time for the wearer, but the sand. There is a special type of sand inside the time turner that when moved in the turning motion that the time turner creates, will affect the course of time. This effect is controlled by a factor I am still unsure of to this day.

The user has to be wary when using the time turner because if seen by their future self it could.......

Harry fell asleep, the book still open on his bed. He had been intrigued by the fact that it was the sand inside the time turner that made it work, but eventually, he grew tired and fell asleep where he lay, face down in the book.

* (Tom POV)

He found himself growing bored of the party, it couldn't even count as a party, just the students drinking butterbeer and talking about who they thought the birthday girl was going to get betrothed to.

Deciding to go to bed, he walked up into the dorms, where he found Harry asleep with his face in a book.

He had to admit the boy looked pretty like this.

Tom lifted Harry's head carefully off the book, trying to take a look at what he was reading. That was when he noticed that Harry was crying and whispering in his sleep. He leaned in close to see if he could hear what he was whispering about

"Don't kill Cedric...................not Cedric take me......" Tom was thoroughly confused as to who Cedric was, but decided it was best to try and comfort Harry.

"Ssh, it's okay," He spoke like he'd heard the orphanage workers speak to babies and toddlers when they had nightmares. Without thinking, Tom found himself running a hand through Harry's hair. When the other boy seemed calm,  Tom put something in Harry's book to mark the page and (since Harry was already in pyjamas) moved him so he was tucked into bed.

"When did I get soft," he quietly said to no one, as a final thing, Tom closed the curtains around Harry's bed and put up a silencing charm that would end in the morning.

* (Harry POV)

Harry had woken up when Tom brushed his hands through his hair, and it was taking every ounce of will in his body not to blush and alert Tom he was awake.

There was a point when in the past Harry had nobody. Now he wanted someone, someone in particular.

He wanted Tom, and it was a little bit more than just a crush.

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