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I woke up around 6 in the morning and did my daily routine. You know, take a bath, get dressed, cook and etc.
Before leaving, I made sure to have everything and looked at the mirror.

It was already 6:45 and my class starts at 7:30. I have enough time to walk to school.

I went out and started my journey as I admired the gloomy weather. I like this type of weather most because I won't have to hide myself from the scorching heat of the sun. This time, the sun is hiding from me.

As I walked, I noticed a familiar shape behind me.

Oh shit.

I picked up my pace and walked faster as I tried to hide my face

" Princess! "

Just keep walking

" heeeeeey! "

Keep walking





" HEY! "

" HOLY MOTHER OF GOATS! " I exclaimed as he almost hit me with his tricycle

" the hell dude?! " I scolded him

" You were the one ignoring me! The hell dude?! " he said as he copied my voice

" ugh. Whatever. " I replied as I began walking again

" hey hey, where are you going? " he said as he drove/biked at my pace

I looked at him and raised a brow

" can't you see I'm wearing a uniform? "

" So that's what your uniform looks like! "

I ignored him and kept walking. But I noticed that he kept looking at me

" what? Wanna try it on or something? "

He shook his head and laughed
" no, I was just thinking how cute you are with those clothes "

I felt myself blush and immediately looked away.

" Besides, if I wear that, I'd end up promoting your school since a lot of people would want to wear the uniform too" he added

I rolled my eyes " such a narcissist "

" so, what time does your classes start? "

" 7:30"

" what time is it? "

" 7:10"

" What?! No princess of mine is gonna be late for school! Hop on! "

" It's okay I - what the duck are you doing? " he practically parked in front of me! And everytime I move, he follows!

" get in"

" no"

" get in"

" I said no"

" get in"

" NO. get out of my way! "

" No. Get in. "


" only if you get in"

" uuuuuuuurgh! "

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