Chapter 1: The Loner's Resolve

Start from the beginning

"You know Izuku, If I and the others didn't meet you outside of school, we would have been following Kouki blindly."

"Well, what can I say, my charisma is unavoidable outside of school."

"Keep praising yourself..."

"Anyways... have you read the latest chapter of One Piece?"

"Nope the Store ran out of the Weekly Shonen Jump."

"I got one, I'll lend it to you later."


By the time we finished talking Koushit and Kaori are also done arguing, and our adviser, Aiko-chan had arrived.


The room had been engulfed in a bright light, we shielded our eyes, and as the light died down I saw that we were in the middle of a church with an Old Man who I can tell is a priest walked towards us and spoke.

"Greetings! Heroes from another world! Our God, Ehit has summoned you all here to help us in our desperate times!"

"Who are you..."

Aiko-chan asked as the old man looked at her.

"I am Isthar Langbard, Pope of The Holy Church, and you all are in another world!"

After that, Isthar had taken us to a room with a long table and asked as to sit, they prepared a drink for us but I was skeptical of the color and decided to not drink it, Koushit on the other hand took no hesitation to drink it all.

"As I said earlier, We need your help, a war is brewing around the corner and we cannot win this alone."

"But, my students are just minors! you can't possibly think of sending them to the battlefield!"

"Worry not, We'll have them trained."

Isthar said as Koushit decided to run his mouth...

"I think... We should help, without us, this world will be destroyed, I cannot let myself feel the guilt of not being able to do anything, so, help me everyone..."

Koushit said as everyone hesitated, before anyone dared to support him, I stood up and glared at him.

"Don't act like you represent us, Amanogawa, I can tell just by looking at them that they don't want to be here.  I know what you're trying to do... pretending to be righteous, so everyone will depend  on you, so everyone will follow you."

Koushit glared at me for exposing him like that, while I can feel the Pope's anger at me.

"Listen here, Pope, we're not going to this war of yours! we had our life ahead of us back at our world, we have our families there as well, we aren't going to change that for anything."

"Even if you don't want to, you have no choice, you cannot return to your world, Ehit is the one who sent you here."

"Then, I'll find him, myself and make him take us back no matter how long!"

I announced as the Pope glared at me.

"You have no respect towards Ehit, You are lucky to be chosen by him!"

"Chosen My Ass! Only one of us is the Hero and the rest of us are just pawn that can be disposed if not needed!"

"Everyone! Listen to me! If we can help them with the war, We might be able to communicate with Ehit! and so this is the best choice!"

Koushit said as the others thought to themselves.

"I won't join... As Izuku said, our lives were already fine in our world, if we continue to be here and join the war, others might not make it till the end."

Kaori said as she stood beside me.

"Yeah, Izuku is right, I love my Family and the thought of me not being able to see them again brings pain to my heart."

Shizuku said as she did the same.

"Kouki, as much as I want to fight beside you... I want to see my mother and sister back home... since father died my mother has been the one taking care of us and I want to repay her."

Ryutarou said as he walked by my side, soon all of my classmates stood behind me. Kouki was left alone beside the pope.


It's been a day since we arrived and I made a deal with the Pope that we will not fight the war, but we will clear out the Great Labyrinth, although disappointed with this and mad at me, he had no choice but to agree.

Now, were in front of Commander Meld, he's a cool guy, we get along with him, with the exception of Kouki.

"We will be giving you, your very own Status Plate, with this you will be able to see your progress and titles, as well as your jobs, a simple drop of blood is enough."

As he hands the Status Plates to us, I took a small knife I had with me and made a small cut on my index finger, I dropped some of my blood to the Status plate as Words and numbers began appearing.


LV. 1

AGE: 17



STR: 400

VIT: 600

DEF: 350

AGI: 600

MAG: 300

MAG. DEF: 300


"Sir! Kouki Amanogawa! Job: Hero, All stats are 100!"

Koushit shouted with pride thinking he has the Job of Hero. Meld walked towards him as he looked at it impressed.

"This are very high stats! great job! anyone else?"

Meld asked as he looked at us, suddenly, Hiyama took my Status Plate.

"Well then let's see the stats of a pathetic loser!"

He shouted as he looked at it be grew pale as he read it.

"T-This is- This is a cheat!"

Meld and Aiko-chan walked towards him and saw my Status Plate.

"Amazing! Two Jobs?! Not Only that but you already have this Titles! and your Stats! Are far more Superior to Amanogawa!"

Meld said with joy and pride, while Aiko hugged me with excitement, and also relief that Kouki isn't the only Hero.

"Congrats, Izuku."

Kaori said as she walked towards me, with Shizuku and Hajime in tow.

"I guess that training at the Dojo paid off, didn't it."

Shizuku said as she crossed her arms.

"Lucky you... all I got was a crafting job..."

Hajime said with a sigh.

"Dude what do you mean? That's one of the Coolest Job! think of it! all those weapons from those anime we watched! and you can have a chance to make them!"

And with that, Hajime is back as he's usual otaku self, thinking of the weapons he can make.


Kouki said with anger as he looked at me with hatred for stealing his spotlight.

"Tomorrow! we start your training!"

Meld said as everyone shouted with excitement excluding Hiyama and Kouki. 

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