Couple vs Couple

Comincia dall'inizio

You: Welcome to Monday Night Rebel!

*You let go of Emma, throwing her into the ring. You hit a "Senton" then go for the pin with a kickout at 2. Emma rolls onto her stomach, but you grab her by for hair before slamming her down face-first*

Dominik: You show her, babe! That's my rebel!

*You smile before whipping Emma into the ropes and as you went for a "armdrag" Emma stopped you and hit you with a "Hurricanrana" sending you across the ring into you and Dom's corner. Just as Emma walked towars you, you slip a leg through the ropes at the same time Dominik wrapped a arm across your chest. The ref stopped Emma from getting closer and back her up, causing Riddick to get in the ring. You make the tag to Dom while their backs were turned, the ref seeing the tag. Dominik gets in the ring and attacks Riddick from behind, making Emma hurry onto the apron*

You: Yes, Dom!

Crowd Chant: Dom you suck! Dom you suck! Dom you suck! Dom you suck! Dom you suck! Dom you suck! Dom you suck! Dom you suck! Dom you suck! Dom you suck! Dom you suck! Dom you suck!

You: Shut up! Kick his ass, Dom!

*Dominik "dropkicks" Riddrick, going for the pin with a quick kickout before stomping all over Moss until the ref pulled him off*

Crowd Chant: Let's go Riddick! Dom you suck! Let's go Riddick! Dom you suck! Let's go Riddick! Dom you suck! Let's go Riddick! Dom you suck! Let's go Riddick! Dom you suck! Let's go Riddick! Dom you suck! 

*You and Emma focused on the match, watching your boyfriend and her fiancé wrestling each other. Dominik bounced off the ropes and was met with a "Suplex" and due to Dominik and Riddick's heights, Dominik came down hard. Riddick went for the pin, but at two, you got off the ring and grabbed Dom's leg, pulling him out the ring. Dominik wraps his arms around you to keep himself up*

Dominik: Great save

You: Thanks

*You and Dominik get back on the apron, Emma and Riddick both running at you. You both move as Emma and Riddick go through the middle rope, at the same time, you and Dom kick them in the chest. You pull Emma out the ring and throw her hard in the steel steps and Dominik hits Riddick with a "Springboard Splash"*

After commerical break

*A few seconds before the show came back, you and Emma had tag in by the guys, who rolled out the ring and onto the floor to catch their breathes*

You: C'mon Emma! Show me what you got!

*You gesture Emma to hit you, Emma rubs her hand together before chopping you across your chest, you closing your eyes, tensing at the pain before before relaxing and opening your eyes*

You: That's all you got?! Do it again!

*Emma listens and chops you across the chest again, this time a bit harder, causing you to tense up and stumble a bit. You look at Emma, signaling for her to continue to chop you. Emma brings her hand, smacking it hard against your chest a couple of times before stopping. Your chest and Emma's hand getting red. You let out a yell from the pain, your chest hurting so much and the match is only getting started. You look up at Emma, the camera being on the crowd for a quick moment as she mouths at you to chop her. Once the cameras are back to the ring, you bring her hand up and chop Emma as hard as you could, the sound of your guys's skin being heard through the whole arena. You then grab Emma's arm, whipping her into the corner, running you hit her with a "back elbow", sweeping your leg under her, she falls down, sitting in the corner. You back away from her, before running and hitting Emma with a "Cannonball" bringing Emma out the corner, you cover her*

Judgment Day- D.MDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora