Soobin slumped down on his bed

Soobin: this lady gang is so dangerous and even taetae hyung also joining them, poor kookie hyung I pray for him and I also pray for myself


Soobin: and that's how I am here with this pants hyung

Jungkook: so you are literally sacrificing me for your date huh

Soobin again started to beg

Soobin: hyung it's my first ever date please hyung, help me this time and I will do anything you say from the next time

Jungkook left a frustrated sigh and ruffled his hair in irritation

Jungkook: fine, give it to me

Soobin immediately give the pant to jungkook who reluctantly wore and to cover this up he wear a long coat till it reaches his ankle

Jungkook: HAPPY

Soobin: ye-yes hyung

Jungkook then come downstairs to have the breakfast

The moment jungkook come downstairs everyone started to brust in laughter looking at him

The lady gang was trying to stop his laugh

Jungkook sir down on the chair and saw Joshua is taking pictures of him and again he look at tae who is not even trying to do anything just laughing

Mingyu: what are you trying to do kook ahahahaha

Seokmin: maybe he is going to watch Barbie premiere movie bwahahahaha

Jungkook then look at soobin who is also laughing so hard that he fell down while holding his stomach

Jungkook abruptly get up from the chair and just left from there

Jin try to stop him but he didn't stop and just left from the in rush

Jin turn to look at the laughing persons

Jin: guys stop he left the house without having his breakfast

Hearing this everyone stopped laughing

Jin: why did you stopped laughing now, and you both

He said looking at mingyu and seokmin who is looking down in guilt

Jin: stop teasing him with the Barbie word understand

They both nodded

Jin: good, now everyone sit and have your breakfast

Everyone obeyed because angey jin is the most dangerous than a mafia

Tae felt bad for laughing at jungkook

Jin then went inside the kitchen and pack the breakfast for jungkook

Jin: taehyun come here

Taehyun did as told after eating his breakfast

Taehyun: yes hyung?

Jin: take this packed breakfast to jungkook and made him eat this understand

Taehyun: but hyung he is having the important meeting with the international clients

Jin: what

Taehyun: yes hyung, he is attending the important meeting

Jin: but why he is wearing those pants then

Taehyun: you should ask this to soobin

Jin then called soobin who is already got ready for his date

Soobin come downstairs excitedly hopping

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