Start from the beginning

"Ah, I just ordered something random since I didn't know what you liked," she blinked, wondering if she had been wrong in thinking that he liked strawberry cake. "Would you like something else?"

    "No, this is fine," L replied back quickly. "It's one of my favorites. Thank you, (Y/N)."

"Of course," she smiled.

He didn't use formalities.

She was a bit too pleased at the fact.

And L seemed to have discerned such a notion as he picked up his fork with his thumb and pointer finger, munching slowly on his bite of cake as he stared rather hawkishly at the two before him—two who were anomalies to him, especially (Y/N).


What is her angle?

If she were Kira... knowing me would be very advantageous in her position. But, for some reason, I can't think that it's her.

   Let's just continue to observe.

"So, what was it you wanted to ask me?" He then questioned the two.

    "Right," Light nodded, picking up his coffee. "But, I'm sure that can wait until you're convinced that (Y/N) and I aren't Kira. So, please, let's talk about whatever you want."

    With his eyes flicking between the pair, obsidian gaze intense, L said, "You're under no obligation to do this, but... would either of you mind submitting yourselves to a test of your deductive reasoning—separately of course?"

"Why not?" Light shrugged.

"I'm fine with it," (Y/N) added.

"Very well," L straightened ever so slightly, setting his fork down on his plate. "(Y/N), would you mind stepping away? I'll have Light go first."

Nodding in understanding, (Y/N) stood up and walked towards the front of the shop and therefore, out of ear shot. Drumming her fingers against her arm as she crossed both across her chest, she turned away from L and Light so she couldn't see what they were doing—not that it would've mattered since she knew everything that they were doing in the first place.

It made knowing what she was going to do that much sweeter and tempting.

Turning back around only when Light placed a hand on her shoulder, stating that it was her turn, she began her walk back towards the table and L. She was unaware that Light was confident that she would come to the same deduction as he, but he didn't know that she was in a drastically different position than he was—a position that she would extort and twist however she could.

    Sitting down and feigning ignorance, ignoring L's burning stare, she picked up three photographs and asked, "What's this?"

    "These are photographs of three notes written by prison inmates while under Kira's control, just prior to their deaths," L explained, taking a sip of his highly sugary coffee. "None of this information has been made public. You can take as long as you like to look them over. Please, let me know what you think."


    Let's see where this goes, L...

    "Firstly, there are obvious print numbers on the back," she started, pointing to said numbers. "If you arrange them in that order, you get, 'L, do you know, love apples, Gods of Death.' But that doesn't make sense. If you arrange it this way... it reads, 'L, do you know, Gods of Death love apples?' But, because of the print numbers, I suspect that there weren't just three letters."

    "You're right. There's actually a fourth photograph," L nodded in confirmation as he pulled out another picture out of his pocket to then rearrange the order. "Now it reads, 'L, do you know Gods of Death who love apples have red hands.' What made you think of a fourth note?"

    "Well, one must consider all possibilities," (Y/N) shrugged, making it seem as if she knew exactly what she was talking about and hadn't watched the anime. "Even if there weren't four photographs, the notes were probably supposed to be read not in order, as specified by the numbers on the back. Though, these letters probably won't lead you to Kira. I mean, Gods of Death? Please, we all know those don't exist."

    Her smile grew.

    Oh... if only only you knew, L.

    "If you were me, faced with someone who might be Kira, how would you go about establishing this person's innocence or guilt?" L questioned after her little monologue, his eyes once more boring dangerously into her form. "You need to be absolutely sure."

    "Maybe try to get them to say something that only Kira would know?"

    "Astounding," he muttered, pressing his thumb against his lip, his eyes now taking on a glimmer of awe. "What's interesting is that I asked Light the same exact question, and both of you responded in a similar way without hesitation. Whereas I asked this to countless detectives already, it took most of them minutes to come up with an answer. Yet, you and Light immediately thought of a scenario where Kira was speaking directly to the investigator... I'm impressed."

    "That means a lot to me if you are, in fact, L," she leaned back in her seat.

    "I am," L muttered as he allowed his gaze to wander to the ceiling. "And it seems to me that I'm not the only one hiding hiding secrets about who I am, (L/N)(Y/N)."

    "In time, L, I know you'll figure out who truly is Kira, and who is not," (Y/N)'s voice dropped several octaves as she leaned forward, her lips pulling up into a smirk. "And by that time, I hope you've learned to trust me."

    "What makes you say that?" L watched the fire dancing in her eyes.

    "You'll find out."

     L stared at her, only interrupted when his phone started ringing.

    "Ryuzaki, I have some bad news," Watari spoke from the other line, Light then bursting through the door and towards their booth in shock.

    "Light, it's your—"

    "My father..." he cut the detective off. "He had a heart attack!"

 "He had a heart attack!"

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