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TW: Ab!se, Seth 🤮

Justin Foley had just gotten done with football practice. He decided to go to his boyfriends house; Alex Standall.

When he had gotten to the house, he saw Seths car. Panic filled his body, he didn't know if he was imagining it but he decided to go inside anyways. As he entered the house all he saw was Alex, Mr. Standall, Mrs. Standall, Seth and Amber gathered in the kitchen. Justin looked at Alex, the bleached haired boy was looking down, he couldn't make eye contact with the brunette. 

Justin made his way over to Alex before Seth grabbed his arm with a tight grip. The brunettes eyes filled with tears as Seths grip made his wrist hurt. Justin didn't know why Mr. Standall wasn't doing anything, he was the Sheriff after all. Before Justin knew it he was in Seths car, as Amber and Seth thanked Mr and Mrs. Standall for giving Justin back.

Seth started to drive back to the apartment, Amber sat there in silence the whole time while Justin sat in the back, thinking about Alex. As they got to the apartment, Seth dragged Justin inside by the arm, the brunette sobbed at the pain but Seth ignored it. When they got inside  their house Seth shoved Justin to the ground, screaming and yelling at him for running to the police. Amber just stood there watching, not even trying to help Justin or calm Seth down. Justin sobbed the whole time Seth screamed at him.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU THINK THAT IS A SUCH A GOOD IDEA, RUNNING TO THE POLICE TO REPORT ME. YOU HAVE NO GOD DAMNED PROOF TO SHOW THEM." Seth had shouted at the young boy. Justin couldn't get himself to talk so he just let Seth yell at him.

A few hours had passed and Justin ended up asleep in his own room.Seth and Amber were in their room. Justin woke up as his phone screen had lit up, he quickly checked to see who it was. His heart raced as he saw that Alex texted him to check on him.

"Hey Justy, you feeling okay?"

"I wanna go back to your house:("


"I know:("


"Hey I got an idea! How about i drive to your apartment and i sneak you out?"

Justins eyes brightened at the idea. 


"Yeah that sounds like a great idea! See you in 10?"

"See you in 10, Love ❤️"

Justin blushed at the message before shutting his phone off and waiting for Alex. 

A few minutes passed and Alex texted Justin that he was there. Justin quickly and quietly packed a bag and quietly left the apartment. He made his way down the building and out the front door without anyone hearing him. 

As soon as he stepped foot outside the door, he ran to Alex. Alex pulled Justin into a hug, Justin sobbed onto Alex, before the blonde kissed him softly. The brunette easily calmed down and kissed back before Alex pulled away from the kiss. Alex opened the door for Justin and put Justins bag in the backseat before he shut the door for Justin and went to the drivers side. He quickly got inside and drove to his house. 

As Justin and Alex got to the Standall resident they both left the car. Justin grabbed his bag and followed Alex inside. They both made sure to be careful as they went upstairs to Alexs bedroom. When they got to Alexs bedroom, Justin quickly changed into Alexs clothes and laid on Alexs bed.

Alex decided to shower while Justin got comfortable. When he finished showering he saw his boyfriend sleeping peacefully like an angel. Alex changed into a shirt and a pair of boxers before he climbed into bed with Justin. He carefully pulled the covers over both their bodies and drifted off to sleep as his arms wrapped around Justins waist. 

A/N: Hoped you liked it!!!! 

647 words

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