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Anya was in school for 3 weeks and was studying well and Peter

Peter had no idea who she was just her student

Yet he had reported everything to Julia

Julia:ok anything

Anya:nothing he doesn't show any sigh of being spider man or knowledge of you our spider man

Julia:Great we have to be careful one bad move and he won't come back

With Peter

He had flowers

Peter knocked at a door and saw Felicia with glasses

Peter knocked at a door and saw Felicia with glasses

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Peter:hey your wearing glasses

Felicia:oh yea oh flowers for me

Peter:there for your mom

Lydia:oh my god Peter

Peter and Lydia hugged

Lydia;oh my sweet boy

The group had a nice cup of tea

Lydia:so what have you been up too

Peter:well I been working hard at a company

Lydia:oh is it big

Peter:I own it

Lydia:oh my boy we knew you could do it

Felicia:yea I seen his work it's pretty cool

Lydia:so what else have you done

Peter:well I been going around helping many people doing just the small things have you seen how clear the air is

Lydia:now I don't have to fear for lung cancer

Felicia:me and him been having out

Lydia:yea yea so have you found anyone special

Peter:not really I'm always sticking my nose in a book or just work

Lydia:oh that's great

Peter:saved the krakoa pharmacy

Lydia:should have let it shut down people trying to extend there life just accept you dying Damm bastard

Peter chuckled

Felicia never seen this side of him and she liked it

Lydia:you still have glasses

Peter:well I didn't at one point then my eyes hurt

Lydia:oh sweetie

Felicia:me and Peter been having out a lot

Peter:we are

Felicia:yes we are

Felicia put her arms around him

The next day

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