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Black cat:what the hell is going on

Black cat saw a squirrel land on her a bite her

Black cat:ow dumb rat

Black cat tried to get it off but then got kicked

Squirrel girl:ok cat time to get out of here

The duo fought then a black cat went out the door to go to Peter

Black cat:where the hell

Then saw Peter on the phone

Peter:yes the white hair women with the leather clothes

Black cat:hey what the hell

Peter saw her and threw his phone at her

Black cat:what the hell Peter

Then a kick from squirrel girl

Squirrel girl:had enough

Black cat: forget this

Black cat jumped out

Peter peaked out

Peter:squirrel girl

Squirrel girl blushed for a bit

Squirrel girl:oh hey...how's a going...so are you alright

Peter:yea fine....I'm just worried for a friend not sure if she is here

Squirrel girl:oh I'm sure she's fine

Peter:yes I hope so I don't wanna give Doreen to much work

Squirrel girl:I'm sure she's fine now see yea

Squirrel girl went out

Squirrel:oh that was close

One of her squirrels came on her knee

Squirrel girl:that was a normal reaction


The police came and the student came to him

Peter:ok class so today we will work out in the park

One girl raise her hand

"Can we get McDonald's"

Peter:yes if you do good today free McDonald for everyone no let's get on going

Doreen came

Doreen:whoa what happened

Peter:you wouldn't believe it....but the Damm black cat came in

Doreen:whoa no way

Peter:yea but lucky squirrel girl came in and saved me and more importantly the work

Doreen:well that's amazing

Peter:yea...too bad she was really pretty in person which I got her autograph

Doreen:oh well maybe next time

Later at night

Black cat robbed a jewelry store

Then stood up waiting

Black cat:hello!......i stole the Damm diamond

The daredevil

Daredevil:stop it right there hand over the diamond

Black cat tossed the bag to him

Black cat:shove it up your ass

Then dove off

With Peter and Doreen

Doreen:you know what would be cool

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