Chapter 1

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Jimin's Pov
"Where is my angel "I asked as I entered into my house after work

"Appaa"Clara ran to me and hugged my legs,I picked her up and gave a peck on her forehead

"How was my baby's day ?"I asked while sitting on the couch with Clara on my Lap

"Today I finally decided that what I want to become when I am grown up "

"Really ,What do you want to be. "
"I want to be a princess." I chuckled at her cuteness

" you want to be a princess , right. You are already my princess."

"But I also want to be dad's princess. " she said while pouting

"You are his princess too!"

"NO,he doesn't love me Appa.he doesn't even hug me , kiss me or play with me . "She said with teary eyes

"NO,dad loves u."

"I love dad too Appa"
"Then what about me."I asked while pouting

" I love you too Appa!!"
"Aww my baby,I love you more the anything "I gave a peck on her cheek, suddenly I heard a door opening, I turned around to see jungkook

"Daddy"clara ran towards Jungkook, I can only wish that It won't be same as other days.

"Jimin,why is your daughter is always annoying as you.How many times I had told you clara not to disturb me and don't call me dad "

"Jungkook "I called him but before I could talk he had entered his room

I looked at clara and saw her teary eyes
"Appa,Dad is angry with you because of me .I am sorry " clara said while hiccuping

I kneeled to her level and hugged her "Baby , Dad is not angry with appa . He is just tired" I said while patting her head

"Mm,Dad is just tired.Tomorrow he will play with me ,right??" Clara asked me while looking at me with her beautiful innocent doe eyes

With a sad smile I answered her "of course,he will play with you because he loves you so much ."

Hearing this clara started to jump "
Baby , go to room and sleep .I will come soon "
I said and gave her a peck on her forehead "Good night ,Appa"She said and gave me a kiss on my cheek , After she left I walked over to the kitchen and started doing dishes

4 years had passed quickly, 4 years before I had a one night stand with jungkook . I got pregnant with Clara, However Mr jeon found out that I am pregnant aith his own son's child and told jungkook to marry me . First, Jungkook didn't agreed but because of Mr Jeons insist he agreed to marry me .If it is not for Mr Jeon he wouldn't have married me at first place. Because of this marriage he lost his girlfriend.
When I am giving birth to clara he was not even with me .After Clara's birth I thought he will change his attitude but to no avail he become more rude .He doesn't even mind if we exist here or not .Clara always tired her best to show him her love but he don't even acknowledge it , only I know how many times clara had tired to gain jungkook's attention.
After doing dishes I walked into my room , when I entered the room I saw her sleeping peacefully with a beautiful smile on her beautiful rosy lips. I smiled and layer beside her
"I wish , she will get the happiness she craved "I muttered and closed my eyes to my imaginary world.

_ _ _ _ __
The end of chapter

I hope you all like it ❤️

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