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Throughout the years, Amelie was unsuccessful. She didn't know what she was going to do with her life. She tried getting a degree in psychology, learning a new language, even dating around to see if that would help spark something; no matter how little. When she starting writing it was like a piece of the puzzle of her life was found. Songs. She wrote songs.

One of her top inspirations was people. Creepy and a little basic, but she enjoyed picking a random person off the street and writing a song about how they might feel. She hopes maybe one day she can write a song about herself in the ways she writes about others.

"Art doesn't have to be intentional."

She doesn't have to be perfect for anyone. She just has to be herself.

So, Amelie is flying to New york. She wants to become a singer. Maybe, just maybe, she can make it work.


"HI Mimi!! Did you arrive okay?"

"Hey Lex! Yea, I'm in the back of a cab on the way to my apartment."

"Did you play "Welcome to New York" when you arrived?"

"Lexi, you know I'm not a big Taylor fan no matter how much you try to convert me."

"But Amelieeeeee-"

"No buts. My cab just arrived, i'll call you later babes."

"You're gonna be a swiftie if it's the last thing I-"

Amelie declined the call quickly. How did her best friend manage to bring Taylor into every conversation? She didn't know.

As she walked into her small but VERY expensive apartment she let out a sigh of relief. She finally made it. She's gonna be a singer.

Her first show was tonight, and she hoped it would go well. She had been rehearsing the lines to her songs for the past week. Alexa kept reminding her that it would go well and there was nothing to fear-unfortunately she couldn't help but doubt herself.

As she began to unpack she thought about how she would miss her old life. Growing up in California is so much different then a big city like this. She was semi-prepared though, as just a year before she learnt french. Not that a lot of people knew french.

She tucked her brown hair behind her ears and stood up. She grabbed her concert outfit, an off-the-shoulder fitted black dress with shiny black heels and placed it on the bed. She needed to shower.

After showering, she had an hour and a half before her show. She put her phone on the charger and began to change. Slipping on the dress, her nerves settled in her lower stomach. She put on a necklace with a big Saturn in the middle that Lexi gave her for her 15th birthday. It was her absolute favorite necklace; she wore it everywhere.

She then proceeded to put on some makeup. She had what people would call "clear skin" so she didn't need much- just some concealer to cover her eye bags, blush, mascara, and red lipstick. Staring in the mirror she fixed her hair in a half up half down.

Her phone began to buzz, it was her alarm to remind her that she needed to start driving to the venue. She was deathly nervous. As she was packing her bag, she realized that she forgot to call Lexi back. Fuck.

A few minutes later, she was stumbling down the hall trying to get her left heel on while also trying to call Lexi. When she made it to the door she had both her shoes on and the phone was on its second ring.

When she made it downstairs, Lexi picked up. She called a cab and they talked more in detail about the plane ride, Lexi's current relationship, and Amelie's current situation. Lexi managed to calm her down a little.

At the venue, Amelie said her goodbyes to Lexi and paid the cab driver. She took a deep breath and walked in. Looking around, there was a giant sign that read, "Amelie Williams" in big bold letters.


She whipped her head around to see a middle aged woman who looked like she would rather be anywhere but here.

"Hi! I'm Amelie, I'm performing tonight."

"Okay" she replied unenthusiastically, "Go around the back and make a sharp right turn. You're on in 10."

"Thank you so much. Have a nice day."

Amelie started off towards the back, following the ladies instructions. She pulled out her phone and sent a quick keyboard smash to Lexi to tell her it was almost time. A few minutes later, she peeked out the corner and saw a crowd full of people.

When it was time, she slowly waltzed towards the microphone.

"Hi. My name's Amelie Williams and I hope you guys like my music, uhm, it took me a while to get inspiration for it but really art doesn't have to be intentional. Sometimes it just happens you know? Anyways, here's my first song. It's called dandelions."

Once she started she didn't falter once. She went through her songs, one by one, careful not to speed up because she was nervous.

The audience clapped together and occasionally she would hear a whistle when she hit a high note. She knew from that moment this is what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. It took her around an hour to finish and when she sang the last lyric of her final song, aqua skies, she knew she had done good.

"Thank you guys so much" she told the audience while letting out a sniffle, "It means more then you will ever know."

She walked off the stage filled with glee. She was almost giddy; she didn't expect the audience to enjoy  her songs that much. It was insane.

Just as she was leaving, someone came up to her.

"Hi. I watched you perform, you were really good."

The girl looked vaguely familiar but Amelie couldn't place where she knew her from.

"Thank you, it's my first time performing so it's really special to me."

"That's so cool! I'm Emma, nice to meet you."

"Amelie, but you probably already know that. Did you need something?"

"Oh yea, uh, can I have your number? You're really pretty" Emma responds, awkwardly shifting her weight while handing Amelie a pen.

"Sure." Amelie writes down her number on the girls hand.

The girls send a quick text to each other to make sure the number worked, then Amelie turns around and leaves. When she gets back to her apartment, she looks up the girls name and the first thing to come up is "Emma Swift, daughter of Taylor Swift."

She wonders if this is even real. However, when she clicks images, there's indeed a picture of the girl she met at the venue. She immediately calls Lex.

"What's cookin' good lookin'?"

"I think I just met the daughter of Taylor Swift. And got her number."

MAROON ⋆·˚ ༘ * 🍷Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang