Part 6 - Chaos

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Cole had managed to find a few fresh fruits hanging from trees nearby. He delicately plucked them out, caressing them with his fingers while slowly turning them over to inspect them. After he was satisfied with their quality, he held them all together in his arms and made his way back to where he had left Mona by the riverbed. He occasionally glanced around as he walked, still a bit on edge after the Lucas incident. However, he was beginning to calm down, as nothing had happened since Lucas was found dead. Perhaps... everything was okay. Things would be okay. Cole repeated this to himself internally as he walked carefully through the forest, until he made it back to the river. The sight he saw made him stop dead in his tracks and drop the fruit he was holding in his arms, letting them all fall to the ground. Mona's body, face down in the water. Cole charged forward, panic arising rapidly within him. He quickly pulled Mona out of the water, laying her on her back. He yelled out for Elliot, before trying to perform CPR on Mona. He had no idea how long she had been there, but he had to try. "Mona.. Mona, please! Wake up! ELLIOT!!" He yelled out in panic and anger, continuing his desperate attempt to resuscitate Mona. Elliot came hurrying over from the woods, a confused look on his face. Before he could open his mouth to speak, he saw the scene before him, gasping before rushing over. "Oh my god! Miss Burton?! What on earth happened to her?!" He exclaimed, standing over Cole. The other man didn't respond, putting all his effort into his frantic effort. He slammed his fist onto Mona's chest, gritting his teeth and trying not to yell out in desperation. Again and again, he tried, but... 

Elliot put his hand on Cole's shoulder. "Mister Thomas... she's gone. Please." He spoke quietly. Cole finally, slowly stopped his efforts, resting his fist on Mona's chest. She was still, pale and limp, her face and some of her hair wet. Her glasses had fallen off her face, floating idly in the stream beside them. Her clothes were muddy and damp. Cole stared at her tranquil face, feeling tears spill from his eyes. "I... should have protected her." He mumbled quietly, his voice wavering as he tried and failed to keep his composure. "It ain't far... why'd it have to be her? Dammit, why?!" He yelled out in anger. Elliot stepped back in slight surprise, his eyes widening at the sudden outburst. "Mister Thomas, now is not the time to be getting so angry... we can't stay here, we'll be like sitting ducks. We need to go, now. Miss Hayes and Miss Miller could be in grave danger. Come on..." He tried to pull Cole up from the ground, although he struggled to. Cole didn't budge. He stared down at Mona with a mournful gaze. "I can't... I should be protecting y'all, but this rat bastard killed Lucas and now Mona. I don't deserve to escape, when these two can't." He spoke with a deep sorrow in his voice, not looking up from the ground. Elliot sighed quietly, before kneeling beside Cole. "Mister Thomas... you can't just resign yourself to an early death at the hands of a murderer. Mister Grant and Miss Burton wouldn't want you to just give up. Their stories may have come to an end here but that does not mean yours has to. We must return to the others, I fear for their safety. This madman could be anywhere." He spoke kindly but with firmness in his tone, before standing once again. Cole, after a moment, begrudgingly stood up too. He nodded to Mona's body laying by the riverbank, before leaning down and arranging her slightly so she lay similarly to a pharaoh would in a tomb, her arms crossed over her chest. He wiped the tears from his cheeks. "We'll find 'im and avenge you, ma'am. You and ol' Lucas deserve that much at least. I'm sorry. You can be with yer stars now." He spoke softly, before turning and walking away, making his way back to the camp. Elliot followed behind silently.

They soon arrived back at the camp. Ashley and Suzie looked up with smiles as they saw the men approach, but their expressions turned to one of concern when they saw Mona wasn't with them. "Welcome back, you two. U-Uhm... where's Mona?" Suzie asked nervously. Cole looked at them for a moment, before frowning and sitting down across from them with a grunt. Elliot sighed, before turning to face the women. "Mona... she's no longer with us. Cole found her by the lake, she had been... well." He trailed off, not able to say specifically what happened to her. Ashley and Suzie exchanged a look of worry, before turning back to the others. "C-Cole, I... I'm so sorry." Suzie spoke quietly. Cole didn't look up, only responding with a grunt. Everyone looked at him with concern, waiting for him to speak again. He eventually did in a mutter. "We shouldn't have left her alone. It's all our damn fault..." He spoke with anger and remorse in his voice, resting his clenched fists on his knees. Everyone remained silent, nobody was sure what to say to possibly comfort Cole. "This rat bastard is getting away with murder... To hell with that!" He exclaimed, suddenly standing up. He wordlessly charged over to the small building that rested beside the island's dock, practically kicking the door down to get in. After a few moments, he emerged with an axe, a grin on his face. "I had a feeling they'd have something like this. That damn bastard is gonna get what's comin' to 'im!" He stormed past the camp, once again walking into the woods. Suzie was shaking, clutching onto Ashley's sleeve as Cole walked past. "H-He looks so scary... Elliot, y-you have to go calm him down! He's going to get hurt!" She pleaded. Ashley's brow was furrowed in utter panic, looking up at Elliot with pleading eyes. After a brief hesitation, the man nodded and hurried after Cole.

A long while passed, and Suzie and Ashley were still waiting for the others to return. They were both increasingly nervous as more time passed, feeling their anxieties about what could possibly be happening in the woods build. Ashley finally couldn't take it anymore and so she stood up. She turned to Suzie, pointing at her before pointing at the camp. She then gestured to herself, before pointing to the woods behind her. As Suzie realized what Ashley was saying, she jumped up in utter panic. She waved her hands frantically, pleading for Ashley to stay with her. "A-Ashley, no! You can't! Elliot and Cole will be back any second now, I-I'm sure!" She begged, grabbing onto Ashley's clothes. "Please, don't leave me..." Ashley tensed slightly, feeling guilt explode inside her. She returned Suzie's hug gently, before she gradually pulled away. She guided the trembling girl to sit back down, keeping her hands on Suzie's shoulders. She kneeled before Suzie, gazing kindly into the other girl's eyes. After a brief hesitation, Ashley planted a tender kiss on the girl's cheek, before giving her a kind smile. She then stood, giving Suzie one last look, before hurrying off into the woods. Suzie was too flustered to call after Ashley, instead a shy smile appeared on her lips as her cheeks went red. She giggled, touching where she had been kissed.

Suzie was remaining at the camp by herself. She was pacing back and forth now, too frightened by the woods to even consider going in to look for the others. She was clutching her sleeves as she nervously paced up and down the camp. The sun was finally beginning to set now, slowly lowering down behind the horizon. Suzie's eyes sparkled slightly as she gazed at the sight, the clouds surrounding the sun turning a warm pink and grey colour. Just as her nerves finally began to calm, she heard someone running out from the woods. She quickly whipped around with wide eyes, her heart immediately beginning to race in her chest. Elliot emerged from the woods, panting for breath. He looked beside himself with fear. "Miss Hayes! There you are! I was so worried something had happened to you!" He exclaimed as he approached. Suzie almost instinctively stepped back, trembling. "Wh-What do you mean..? What would have happened to me? Where are Cole and Ashley?" The questions tumbled out of her mouth as she clutched her shirt. Elliot continued to approach, holding his hands up to show he was unarmed. "I lost track of Mister Thomas while I was chasing him... he was surprisingly fast. The woods were hard to see through and he wouldn't respond when I called for him. I found him eventually... he had been killed. The axe. It was on the ground beside him, covered in his blood. I... I was so scared that I had to run away. Suzie, I think..." Elliot paused to gather himself. "I think Miss Miller is the murderer."

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