Chapter One

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'That was not a good morning' Peter thought as he ran through the streets of NY, he was late for school. His dads finally let him go to school by himself, but he slept through his alarm and lost his subway, he was also cold because of course started raining when he was halfway to Midtown. So to sum up, he was late for school, tired, cold and hungry because of course there wasn't time for breakfast.

Peter slipped into his seat the moment the bell rang.

"Dude, where were you?" Ned, his best friend in the whole world (and only) asked. "And why are you all wet?" he whispered urgently.

"I overslept, missed the subway, and well it's raining you know"

"You need to be more careful you know, Why didn't you ask your aunt to bring you?" Ned didn't know the truth about my dads, I wanted to tell him so much by couldn't convince Papa yet, he's so wary sometimes.

" She had already gone to work the time I woke up" Not a complete lie, dads had already gone to an important Avengers meeting.

" Mr. Parker, Mr. Leeds, silence please" Mr. Harrington rudely interrupt us.

"Sorry sir" Ned answered.

I tried paying attention to what the teacher was saying, I really did but it was so boring, I already knew all of that, and not trying to brag but probably more than the teacher to, Dad always said that I could go To college with my knowledge, but papa wanted me to have a normal childhood, (as if I Could have one with them as my parents) and pops as always just want me to be happy, so they agreed I could skip and year, they let me skip one more but it was me that didn't want this time, because of Ned.

The bell ring broke my line of thinking. Finally, I thought, but it was just the first class. It's gonna be a long day.

"Man, are you alright?" I looked up at Ned, seeing the worry on his face.

"Yeah, just tired, didn't sleep much last night"

"Was because you know..." Yeah, Ned knows about Spider-Man, but that was not on purpose, I was staying at my aunt May for the weekend and said Ned could go there, but I lost track of time patrolling and actually forgot he was there and he saw me in my suit. Since then he has been my guy in the chair.

" Hummm... Yeah, you know lots of crime" I replied looking away. That was not the truth per se, I'm actually grounded for Spider-man and you know was trying to see if I could get out without FRIDAY alerting Dad but no vail, but I didn't give up yet.

The rest of school was almost the same, besides lunch of course.

"Heyy Penis Parker, why are you all wet uh, couldn't afford to wash your clothes so you caught some rain? haaha" Flash shouted and his buddies laughed with him. UHHHH he is such a douchbag.

I just ignore him and keep walking, But he pushes me against the locker. I just let him, I know I'm Spider-man and could stop him if I wanted, but I can take it, and if I retaliate he can bully someone who can't. " Penis I'm talking to you don't ignore me, it's such a bad manner didn't your mother teach you anything, oh wait u don't have one" Yeah, to everyone but the teachers that signed NDAs, I'm a poor orphan that lives with his aunt. "I think you need to pay for that disrespect" he continues as he takes my lunch pass from me, I don't actually need but to grow in the idea of the poor kid, Dad pays the school and they give me a pass for show. And of course today I don't have any more money on me. Dad doesn't know I'm bullied so I can't tell him I need more lunch money. I'm a very bad liar so I'm impressed I've been keeping this from them for so long.

So no breakfast and now no lunch either, Ned looks at me with pity and gives me some of his lunch, I'm thankful but it does not do much. Mj gives us a look from her place at the end of the table and gives me an apple as she passes but doesn't say anything. After lunch classes go quicker and finally I run out of school, thanks God it's Friday, It's not raining anymore and I'm almost dry so I decided to walk home.


"Boss, as per 'Baby Cheeks don't know best protocol', I must alert you that Little Sir has a slight bruise in his stomach" Friday's Voice echoes in the penthouse, Alerting the three residents.

"Why does he have a bruise?" Steve asks worried.

"He must have walked in the rain, I saw his umbrella by the elevator, must have forgotten and he ran late to school" Tony stated, Flipping the Starktablet he was using, showing a video of Peter running, and late for school.

"You know, it's the third time this week he has been late, I don't know if was the best idea letting him do this himself," Steve says as he thinks

"He needs a little independence but if begins affecting him we start waking him up and taking him to school again, and it's not that rare for parents to do that" Bucky affirmed.


"Hello, Little Sir, Boss, Capscicle, and Buckaaro are in the penthouse. You appear to be hurt, would you like me to alert them?" FRIDAY greats me as I enter the private elevator at Stark Tower a.k.a Home.

" Hey Fri, and no no no thanks, don't alert them"

When I get in they all look at me, so I just stay put.

"Hey Baby"Papa asked.

"Hi Papa, Hi Pops, Hi Dad"

" It's all good? How was school?"

" Yeah yeah yeah, it was okay pops"

"Why don't you go shower and then we can watch a movie?" Dad asks

"Okay" And I go shower.


"Friday girl, lock all Peter's drawers besides the underwear and his Footed pajamas"

"Of Course Boss"

" He is gonna kill you" Bucky laughs


" I'm gonna kill him I swear" I grumble as I try to open my drawers. "ARRGHH". I give up and just take the less bad one of the only open drawer.

They all coo at me when I get in the live room in my Dark blue footed- pajamas. I glare at them, especially Dad, I know it was his idea.

"Come on Bambino, lose that look, it's punishment for almost getting late for school again , now come, let's watch Monsters University" How does he knows that, Uhhh Friday the snitch.

"Not cool Daddy, not cool at all" I tell him as I snuggle between him and Papa, and he starts playing with my hair. Not even 30 minutes into the movie I'm already lost to the world. 

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