Final Chapter

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"Is everything okay today Mr. (L/n)?" A nurse asked as she walked in the room, holding a clipboard.

"I'm doing fine," (Y/n) replied softly. The nurse walks over and checks on (Y/n's) vitals and the other equipment that was connected to (Y/n) as he laid there yet again in another bed, only this time in a hospital. It's been four months since Lauren had taken (Y/n) to the hospital under an alias name. The constant sounds of machines beeping all around him kept him from getting any sleep at all. Lauren has visited almost every single day. Along with (Y/n), Mercy was also sent to a hospital. Not the same one (Y/n) was being held, but a private hospital the organization Lauren was a part of owned.

(Y/n) tried asking Lauren about the condition of Mercy but Lauren still hasn't said anything. She still hasn't told (Y/n), who has been asking her about the little death squad she was with when she rescued him. (Y/n) had a lot of questions but all Lauren says is to "take it easy". (Y/n) was in bad shape when he arrived at the hospital. With dozens of cuts and deep wounds all over his body with most of the wounds being around his neck, chest, and the groin area. (Y/n) also had both of his hands broken, several of his ribs, arms and legs also had bone fractures. (Y/n) also suffered slight loss of vision and taste. The doctors say he was very lucky to be alive. If it wasn't from the unknown group of individuals that had rescued him and taken him in, he wouldn't have lasted for about another month.

After (Y/n's) rescue, the building where he was being kept was then seized by police soon after (Y/n) had left. Reports say no one was found alive and all of the occupants inside all suffered fatal gunshot wounds to the head. Although happy to finally be free and to be reunited with his wife, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel she was a different person than before. (Y/n) sat up on his bed, watching the news on the tv that hung on the wall. (Y/n) then looks over as he hears the door knob to his door start to twist. Then in came her familiar face. A slight smile formed on (Y/n) as Lauren came in with a bouquet of flowers.

"Hi darling!" She said happily. "You're up! How are you feeling?" She asks, putting the flowers on the table by the side of (Y/n's) bed.

"I'm doing fine, hon," (Y/n) replied as he looked at the flowers. Lauren hears the tv and grabs the remote, turning down the volume. She then grabs a chair and drags it close by (Y/n's) bed. She sat down and smiled before reaching for (Y/n's) hand that was placed on his lap. The two sit there with the faint chatter of the news anchor from the tv. Lauren rests her head onto (Y/n's) legs while he stroked her hair.

"Just one more day darling," Lauren takes a deep breath while laying her head on (Y/n's) lap. As the two stare up at the tv, they both see coverage of the building that the cops had found. In which it shows a picture of the place (Y/n) was at for the past five years. Lauren grabs the remote and turns off the tv.

"When are you going to tell me what's been happening with you?" (Y/n) breaks the silence. Lauren lifts up her head from (Y/n's) lap and looks at him.

"Anywhere but here (Y/n)." She replied, placing her hand on the side of (Y/n's) face. (Y/n) then moves his face away from Lauren's hand as she looks on in surprised.

"Y-Y/n?" (Y/n) looks in the other direction.

"How?" (Y/n) uttered. "How can you me?" Lauren stares at him as he wipes his eyes.

"What are you talking about Y/n?" Lauren questions.

"Look at me! I've cheated on you countless times and now I'm here. Broken. What could you possibly love about me now." There was a long pause before Lauren grabs (Y/n's) chin and faces him towards her. With tears starting to well up in her eyes as well.

"Do you even hear was you're saying Y/n?" Lauren starts sniffling. "I don't know what lies those evil, disgusting women filled your mind with but, I can tell you this, and it's the truth. I love you. Just as much as the first time you came over to my house, and confessed to me." Lauren begins to cry a bit. "And I will love you until the end of time. You hear me!?" (Y/n) stares at Lauren, who has tears sliding down her face now. Lauren leans in closely as the two start passionately kissing. 

Stolen from my WifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora