Cabana Club

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~ You and Bucky weren't dating, but you were somewhat exclusive. You had gotten into an argument over a little thing that escelated quickly, calling off your dinner plans. ~


"Do I really mean that little to you that you think that's acceptable?!"

"She kissed me! I didn't kiss her back! I pushed her off of me and left! It's not that big of a deal, Y/N!"

"So why didn't you tell me until tonight?! Because you didn't want me to question why the waitress is flirting with you when we get there?!"

"Y/N you're not listening to me!" His voice grew deeper with rage as he walked up to you and grabbed your wrist, pulling on it.

"Get off of me, James!"

"Not until you stop overreacting and listen to me!"

"What? Listen to how you kissed the waitress while I was on a mission?!"

"Y/N! Please! I didn't fucking kiss her!!"

"But she kissed you, didn't she?! What were you doing with her to make her think she had a chance?!"

"Y/N, please."

"No, James. I'm done listening." You were in a pretty blue dress and some black chunky heels, all dressed up with nowhere now to go. You grabbed your bag and your leather blazer, pulling the keys out of the bowl and turning to leave.

"And where exactly are you going?! We've got dinner plans!"

"Oh, I'm still going to the Cabana, but not with you."

"Y/N wait -"

The door slammed before he could finish. You put on your blazer as you strutted down the street, turning off your phone and putting it into your bag. The Cabana Club was your favourite bar and resturant, just down the street. Now it was your hunting ground.

You walked through the door, taking a seat at the bar and ordering a whiskey neat. As the bar tender stood infront of you and made your drink, you turned and asked "Hey, is Hannah working tonight?"

The bar tender looked behind him a few times, looking over to the dancefloor and then back at you. "No, I don't think she is.. Is there anything I can help you with? Leave her a message?"

"Could you text her maybe? Ask her to pop in? I'm a friend of hers. Tell her it's Bucky, she'll know."

"Sure thing, I'll do that right away ma'am." He put the drink down on a coaster and pushed it toward you. You picked it up and took a sip, standing from your seat and making your way to the dance floor. You wanted to get wasted, dance, and forget. And maybe break a nose if Hannah decided to swing by.

You were too busy to notice Bucky walking in and sitting at the far end of the bar. He had the perfect view of you as you danced your heart out with a beautiful brown haired man with hazel green eyes. He watched on as this man ran his hands down the outside of your dress, holding your waist from behind you and swaying you side to side in time with the music. The bar door clinked as it opened, you peering to see who it was - Hannah. All dolled up in a skimpy short black dress, some black heels and a glittery clutch bag. She looked around the room as she noticed someone at the bar with an empty seat next to him. You chose to pay no notice until you needed your drink refilling.

You danced and drank, and when your glass was empty, you grabbed the man you were dancing with by the hand and pulled him to the bar. You both sat down, talking to eachother about your jobs and hobbies, his hand resting on your thigh. You ordered a Vodka martini with extra olives, and as you went to grab it from the bartop, you caught a glimpse of Hannah, sat with a man. Bucky. They were smiling and talking, drinking with eachother. You saw red as your veins filled with deep, dark anger. You took a sip of your drink and stood up, lifting the man infront of you's chin up to look up to you.

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