Chapter one

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Han was getting ready for school like any other day, meanwhile his mom was rushing him. "Han Jisung I swear your going to make yourself late!" She yelled at him.

Han rolled his eyes and got his backpack and shoes on quickly. "Oma I'm coming!" He yelled back.

Han finally walked downstairs and his mom saw him. "Aw there's my beautiful son" she went over and kissed his cheek

Han immediately wiped her cheek away. "Ew Oma come on you were just saying how I would be late" he grabbed a piece of toast from the toaster

His mom rolled her eyes, "sometimes you are the most ungrateful brat I met." Han chuckled and walked out. "Love you!" He then walked out

Han walked outside and put one of his AirPods in and listened to his favorite song. Then once he got closer to the school he met up with his best friend

Seungmin came up from behind him and hugged him. "Hannie what's up!" He smiled with his braces showing

Han turned around and hugged Seungmin back. "Oh hey" he let go and ruffled with his hair

"So are you ready for class" Seungmin asked and looked at him. Han sighed and rolled his eyes "no" he quickly responded

Seungmin laughed and got Han's hand and walked with him to class "is it because you have a class with hwang hyunjin" he teased

Han just shook his head "yes because he's nothing but a flirt and playboy" he protested and walked into class and took his seat

Seungmin looked at him surprised. "Oh come on he's not that bad." Han sat back and shook his head again

Soon the teacher came and took attendance. "So we're going to be doing a project." She took the class. "And No your not choosing your partners" Han prayed that he didn't get put with Hyunjin

The teacher started putting everyone in pairs. "Okay so first we have Hwang Hyunjin and Han Jisung." Han heard this and groaned.

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