"Hold my hand, Maddie..."

A smile grew on his face as Espresso called him Maddie. "I'm still holding your hand," Madeleine patiently explained.

He looked down. He was, in fact, still holding his hand. "Woah," He said. "That's neat." Espresso winced in pain again.

"Can you tell me where it hurts the worst?" Madeleine asked.

"Right here." Espresso reached up and pointed to the side of his chest. "It hurts when I breathe." He tried to think why it hurt so badly there. "I think... I think Father kicked me there very... Very a lot. That was mean of him."

"Mhm. That was mean of him," He said, stroking his hand. "The doctors said your rib was fractured. That was why you were struggling to breathe. But you stayed strong, so good job, Espresso." He gently kissed his forehead.

Espresso looked down at himself. His entire body was bandaged up. "Everything hurts..."

"I know, love. Do you want me to kiss it better?"

Espresso nodded.

Madeleine leaned down and kissed wherever the bandages were. He made sure to be super gentle so he didn't hurt him.

Espresso giggled. Madeleine's kisses tickled. "I love you soooo much.~"

"I love you too."

Espresso felt his body start to force himself to drift off into sleep. "W-Wait, Madeleine?"


His eyes closed. "Please don't leave me..."

"I won't."

Espresso felt himself start to wake up again, and he immediately flinched as pain shot through him. Everything hurt. He forced his exhausted eyes open, his entire body aching. God, his entire body felt like it had been run over by a train ten times.

He looked down to see Madeleine still holding his hand. A smile grew on his face. He was so happy Madeleine was still here. Madeleine was turned around, talking to a doctor lady.

The doctor left and Madeleine sighed, looking down.

"Madeleine?" Espresso's voice was hoarse and raspy.

Madeleine immediately turned to look at him, happiness spreading across his face. "Hey, Espresso."

"What were you talking to the doctor lady about?" He asked, trying not to cry out in pain every time he moved.

Madeleine groaned, lowering his voice. "That lady doesn't know how to do her goddamn job," He muttered angrily. "She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that you're hurting and you needed something to make the pain go away. She was like... Gaslighting me, or something. I've never been more mad at a doctor before in my entire life."

Espresso was silent, smiling at Madeleine's angry face. "It's okay. I'm fine now."

"You're not hurting anymore?"

"Well, I'm still hurting. A lot. But I'll be okay." He reached out his aching arm, bringing Madeleine closer and giving him a kiss.

He kissed him back before speaking again. "You were still pretty loopy from being under some anesthesia or something when you woke up last." He smiled, blushing. "You kept telling me how much you loved me~"

Espresso grew flustered. "What-?!" His face heated up as he looked away. "...That's so embarrassing."

Madeleine grinned as he planted more kisses all over his face. "I'm so happy you're okay. I thought you were going to die," He giggled, wiping a tear that escaped from his eyes. "I... I was so worried."

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