"Fucking cunt." I mumbled after sucking my teeth.

"Okay? What's that about?"

"I guess now we know why he didn't answer." I showed Kevin my phone.

"This from today?" He took it from me.

"Read the caption and tell me."

Glancing at the phone as he drove, he pressed the name tagged which happened to be the girl on Aug's lap, who originally posted it. Hearing him sigh, he handed me back my phone. Shaking my head, I just locked back my phone and left it at that.

"What you feeling for?"


"What kind?"

"Pepperoni, a medium."

"Gotcha. Anything to drink?"

"A bottle of water is fine. Preferably cold."

"Okay. Wait a minute."


"You got a key to his place?"

"Fuck." I sighed. "No I don't."

"Aight. Don't stress. We'll just go back to my place and you can let him know you're there."

"Mhmm. Okay."


Walking into my home, I exhaled. After the long day I had, I just wanted to shower and relax with my family.

"Hey man wassup?" I greeted Travis. "Where Chrys at?"

"Ion know." He shrugged.

"What you mean you'on know?"

"She wasn't here when I got here."

"Nigga you was to pick them up from the airport! The fuck is you telling me?"

"Huh? You never told me that shit man."

"Yes I did. I called you AND I fucking texted you. I even sent you the flight number and every fucking thing."

"Well I ain't see it. My bad."

"Now you tryna fuck with me because you texted back saying 'okay'." I tossed my phone at him.

Catching it, he looked at the message.

"Oh shit! My bad bro and you got a lot of missed calls too."

"Get the fuck out."


"Get the fuck up out my house Travis, before I say some shit I'm going to regret."

"You can't be serious."

"You see me fucking smiling? One fucking thing I asked you to do, ONE thing. To pick up my girl and my son and you couldn't even do that. Yet here you are, eating my food and shit. Nah. Get the fuck out."

Not saying anything, he got his keys and left. Frustrated and angry, I checked through my phone at all the missed calls and then checked my messages. Seeing the last one I had, I called Kevin and let him know I was on my way.

"I can't fucking believe this." I mumbled as I got my keys and left. "Should have really went somewhere for Christmas."


"Thanks again for getting them E." We dapped as I walked in.

"No problem man. What the hell happened though?"

"Travis was to get them. When I noticed I wasn't going to make it, I asked him and he said okay but clearly that was just to get me out of his ear."

"And you didn't at least tell Chrys?"

"I typed the message but didn't press to send it apparently."

"Damn. I should warn you though."

"She pissed."

"She is. She slept all afternoon. When we got back, she ate, fed little man, put him to sleep then went to sleep as well."

"She woke up at anytime?"

"Yeah, to change and feed him then gave him to me while she went back to sleep."


Knowing Chrysta, sleep was her escape, especially when she's upset. Approaching my son. I kissed him on his forehead as he smiled.

"Another thing."


"She saw this."

Showing me the video, I cursed to myself. Knowing that she saw that on top of thinking I forgot her, I was in for a serious mood.

As Kevin got my son ready, I entered his guest room where Chrysta was. Going around to the side she faced, I got down to her level and gently woke her.

"Babe. Wake up. Let's go home."

"Mmm." She stirred.

"C'mon ma. Wake up."

Opening her eyes, she looked dead at me with no emotions. As she got up, I stood up quickly and stepped back.

"Before you say anything, I didn't forget y'all. Trav was supposed to pick y'all up." I began to explain. "I texted him and I called him but it's like he said okay just to get me off his back."

"So why didn't you message me?"

"I did. Well I was but I apparently I didn't press send when I thought it did. I'm sorry bout all of this babe."

Sighing, she just sat there. Not too sure on what was going through her mind, I sat next to her.

"And the video? Why was there a girl sitting on you, feeling on herself?"

"We we're just fooling around in studio during the radio session, then sis came and sat on my lap and when I started singing, she did that shit."

"Why did you let her? You could have said something."

"I wasn't thinking."

"You wasn't thinking? Aug, had I done that would you have accepted that answer from me? No, you wouldn't. Like I understand that there are things you have to do when promoting and stuff and everyone assumes you're single but boundaries Aug, you gotta set boundaries."

"I know baybeh, I know. I'm sorry." I looked at her.

Wrapping my arm around her shoulder, she laid her head on mine.

"I can't believe Travis did that though."

"Mannn. Listen. When I asked him where y'all were and he said he didn't know, I was ready to fight his ass. Then he tried to lie saying I never asked him to get y'all."

"Be honest with me, your family don't like me at all do they?"

"Stop thinking that. They do like you, aight?"

Getting up, I got her bag and our son's own. Going into the bathroom, she washed her face and freshened up before we made our way out to the front. Taking our son from Kevin, she hugged him, telling him thanks.

"Thanks again man."

"No problem bro. Once y'all straight."

"Yeah, we're good."

"Good. Chrys? Brunch tomorrow?"

"Once you're paying." She smiled then laughed as we left.

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