2. Meeting the lost twin

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_Dumbledore's point of view_

I was sitting at my desk grinning down at the letter in my hands. If you were to walk in at this moment you most likely would have been terrified and extremely confused.

After all the letter seemed to be a normal almost innocent letter telling a child that they had been accepted to Hogwarts. It was actually the complete opposite thought because this seemingly innocent letter was meant for the potters lost daughter.

Who in fact hadn't been so lost and now it seemed like my plans were coming to fruition. Hopefully she will have been treated like I have hoped. After all I did leave her at a carnival that on a daily bases starved and beat the performers.

I stood up and walked out of the office my grandfatherly facade falling into place effortlessly as he walked towards Minerva's office.

I knocked on the door and waited until given permission to enter and opened the door hiding my glee behind a false sadness and worry. "Minerva I need yours and Severus' help with collecting a student" I internally cackled as she looked up at me worriedly.

"what's wrong Albus"I shook my head sadly as I quickly fire called Severus' chambers asking him to come through to Minerva's office.

Severus rushed through his robes billowing much like a greasy haired bat as the students refer to him as. They both looked at me one worriedly and the other with a hint of annoyance that hid how anxious he truly was at what would have me and Minerva 'worried'.

"I'll start with the good news it seems that the potters long lost daughter was found"Minerva looked at me with hope shining in her eyes which quickly dimmed once she realized that wasn't everything I had to say.

"the bad news is that she has been living at a carnival used for muggle entertainment and so in order to get her away from there I shall need you assistance"at that they both looked horrified perhaps Severus more so than Minerva because this was Lilly's daughter we are talking about. The thought of it only made me even more giddy but I hide it well thanks to years of practice.

"where is she?"Minerva whispered sounder a lot older for her age.

"she is currently in America in a place called Florida we shall be leaving immediately so grab anything you think you shall need and nothing more seeing as we shall be coming straight back"I nodded as I walked out of the office and down the hall towards the front gates hearing the sounds of Minerva's and Severus' shoes hitting the floor.

As we reached the outside of the gates the both grabbed onto the sleeves of my robe and we apparated to a space between the tents at the carnival. I point at a big black tent in the center before saying an almost whispered"the letter says she is in their."

The three of us quickly illusion ourselves to get past the guards and seat ourselves at the very top of the stands my excuse being 'we can see better if she comes out' but in reality it is so I can see if she is harmed or not.

A man walks out in a dark suit grinning as he bows to the crowd talking about the first person that is to perform. I can see Severus and Minerva flinching out of the corner of my eyes and force myself to look saddened instead of ecstatic.

After a few more performers walk out the man gives a big long speech about the freak among freaks at the carnival walks out. I internally smirk as both of my colleagues eyes widen as a girl that looks almost exactly like lily when she was eleven walked out.

Bright red hair cascading in waves down her back barely brushing the floor with green eyes the exact shade of the killing curse. The only differences were her height, weight, and that she was paler most likely due to a lack of food and bad parenting.

When he told her to change and she did not I watched as she was whipped making her scream out in pain making me shudder. The others thought it was in disgust but it was truly in excitement at the prospect of seeing another in pain. One the other hand the others had gasped and Minerva had tears in her eyes while Severus was shaking.

What happened next was even more beautiful than seeing someone that trusted you under the cruciatus curse. She seemed to collapse in on herself as her back split open in two different spaces causing blood to run down her back. A lions tail sprouted forth from her vertebrae just below her lumbar curvature and ram horns sprouting from her head.

She then began to sing a sad melody that made her aura become depressing and the three of us being wizards and a witch we could see her aura. It had become a deep dark black that seemed as if it swallowed all of the light in the tent. As she sung it seemed as if she was bewitching the audience with her voice. I'm sure if her singing was practiced and honed she could make even the most strong willed of men and women do what she asked of them.

Once she was finished we moved quickly coming to stand in front of her I smiled at her as Minerva and Severus argued with the man about us taking her away. After a few exchanged words between me and her we apparated away making sure that all of the muggles had their memory of Kate and us erased.

When we arrived she looked around amazed but before I could say anything to her she had fainted."It appears as if this has been to much excitement for her"I mumbled with a small smile that was more of a grin but no one had noticed. They were to busy making sure she was okay.

Minerva laid her down on her lap while Severus checked her back to see how bad the cuts were."Albus please go inform poppy that she will have a patient coming in as soon as we can make sure that it is okay to move her"

I nodded and rushed inside and to the infirmary and seeing poppy I walked over to her."poppy here any minute now you shall be having a patient coming in we know that she has whip marks and that her skin is torn due to a transformation of some kind but other than that we do not know we need you to heal anything that you are able to do you understand?"

As soon as poppy nodded the doors burst open Minerva rushing over to the nearest bed followed by Severus carrying Kate. Poppy rushed over performing a diagnostic spell and dumping potions down my throat as she slept.

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