Jungkook nod eagerly "I as well"

Taking a breath, you smile at them softly "I was not alone, I had my father"

Jungkook and jimin eyes held sympathy but you did not look at them as you said.

"What happened to him?" jimin ask softly

"He was a hunter He is the best man I know He taught me everything he knows as time goes, He was sick, old age weakened his body which is surprising because he was big man you know" you said with smile flexing your hands as if to impersonate him making them smile lightly "I remember coming to town with him and everyone was afraid of him because how big he was hoseok was sacred to which is funny because he is big softy. Two winters ago, he was gone so"

Jungkook observe you "you are not sad anymore" its was statement

You nod "no I'm not. I was but I learned this is life you can not hold on to your loved ones when the times comes you have let them go you will learn to live with the pain it will be always there but it will get better you just had to hold on to your hope. It is life you know. I was sacred to live without my father, but I knew I have to, besides I had hoseok and I also had my father right here" you point at your chest finally looking at them to see their eyes on you, watching you. "And now I have you both, haven't?"

"yes" Jungkook and jimin said firmly and hastily they watch you smile at them making them mirror yours with a satisficed hum you start to stand up.

Jimin and Jungkook hastily stood on their feet stretching hands for you to hold on, taking their hands on your hands you stand up and wipe the dust off your dress "come on we have to look for hoseok and yoongi"

The three you search for the two men and found them knocked out inside the liquor store, yoongi curled up on top the table while hoseok on the floor clinging a bottle to his chest. You kneel beside him gently shaking on his shoulder to wake him at least he could sleep on his home rather than the cold floor.

Jungkook shook his head at them walking towards you "do not bother seems like they won't be waking up any soon"

You look up at him "we can't leave him alone and shouldn't yoongi need a better place to sleep?'

"You will be surprised how he can anywhere as he pleases." Jimin said as he takes the blanket he found around the shop and drape it on yoongi's figure. "You worry about yourself. I will make sure hoseok reach his home" he nudges the said male with his foot.

Hoseok stair in his sleep purring a small mine under his breath clenching the bottle to his chest a looped grin on his face.

Jungkook nod "huh, you need to go home it I am sure the day had you exhausted you now"

"Oh, I know my way back" you said jungkook smile at you lightly.

"I know but its night let me take you home. It for my peace of mind" he adds when he sees you pinched eyebrows. He opens his palm for you take his hold taking his hand you let him pull you up standing up. You turn to jimin and sleeping yoongi and hoseok.

Jimin stare at you before walking up to you whispering your name "rest well and prepare yourself for your departure we will come to get you in the morning"

"Have good night. Jimin" you send him a smile

Jimin grins "it is Sir jimin"

"Huh. forgive me sir jimin" you give him a courtesy and beside you jungkook has a soft grin as he watches the exchange.

Jimin takes your hand and press a kiss while holding your gaze with a smirk on his face eyes having the mischievous glint in them.

Jungkook narrow his eyes at jimin sighing at the male "knocking it out. We are leaving" he tugs your other hand pulling away from jimin you finally depart with jungkook with a small to wave your new friend who now also eagerly wave around as if your miles away from him.

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