"We're going to have to tell Captain Blake the truth," I tell her. "Just enough to solve this. We don't need to overload them, and we'll need him to bring Jason, Salim, and Nick over."

Recognition flashes in her eyes when I mention their names.

"What's up?" I ask her.

"I've heard those names before," Logan tells me. "And I've seen them."

She bit her lip, and I know she does that when she's keeping something from me...or she's trying to.

"Logan..." I press her, nudging her shoulder.

"Hm?" she mumbles innocently.

"What's going on?" I continue.

"...Nothing," she murmured as her face reddened. "I don't know what it means yet, so..."

I decided to drop it for now. She seemed flustered, and whatever it was, she'd tell me if she wanted to or when she was ready to.


I've had the same goddamn dream for the past few months. I've been hunting this thing for just as long, but aside from the victims, I can't track it. Even though the victims are left a husk, I don't see any puncture or exit wounds. It's unlike anything I've ever encountered.

Usually, I'd chalk it up to the stress of the job: SWAT by day, hunter by night, but I've never had any issue with it. I'm glad to see that Nicky has settled into it and has met his wife along the way, but it's not my priority. If it happens, I'd rather it not be because I was looking for it. Whatever this thing is, dream or not, I know I must find it. I can feel it...

Then...there was the woman. She was always there, tracking the thing down, too. There's something about her that I can't put my finger on. I never took an interest in dating, and it made me wonder if that's where she came from at first. I'd remember if we had ever met because she's beautiful: legs for days, hair the color of cherry Coke, and her eyes?

What caught me, aside from their color, was that they held more pain and knowledge than you would think someone could handle. I knew she was a psychic, but I'm unsure what type she was. I've met a few in my line of work, but no one like her. I've told Salim about this because dreams aren't simple for people like us.

He didn't judge or question me about the woman I'd seen. He asked for every detail I could remember before speaking to Raven about it. She's our comms expert, one hell of a tracker, being a hybrid between a werewolf and a vampire. Even as we hunt monsters, we still operate like a military unit. If there is anything to be found, she'll know it.

Tonight was a bit different. Usually, she would be out of reach; even though she was looking for the same thing, we never spoke to each other. This time, we were in the woods, miles from the city. The moon was full and high, and I could hear the wolves through the trees.

She was in the middle of a clearing, and it was burned, just as the space around the victims was. Oddly, there were never any burns on the bodies...

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"I could ask you the same thing," she replies in a smoky voice. "If you're gonna share my nightmares, you should ask a girl to dinner first."

Despite the fucked up situation we found ourselves in, I found myself laughing.

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