Moments later, my neighbor's concerned voice echoed through the door, offering support and assistance.

"It's not over yet! I promise you it's not over yet, next time you'd know better than to want to break up with me. I'll teach you to never make that mistake ever again!" his chilling whisper sent shivers down my spine, even as he retreated into the darkness. His words lingered in the air like a sinister omen, a haunting reminder that my battle was far from over.

"It's fine, I'm fine, he's gone, thank ... thank you very much" I stammered, as my neighbor entered the room, concern etched across his face, offering heartfelt thanks for his kindness. With gentle hands, he tended to my bruises, his touch a soothing balm on my battered skin.

But when I awoke the next day, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. My phone was nowhere to be found. Initially dismissing it as a simple oversight, I focused on completing the unfinished work from the day before, preparing for my crucial presentation. And then, an email arrived... from Devon. My heart raced as I read his message. He had my phone and car keys in his possession.


Desperate and frightened, I hastily composed an email to Licia, recounting the unsettling turn of events. But to my astonishment, another email arrived from Devon.
Please I want to see you, I promise I will never do anything to hurt you, I don't know what came upon me. It was never in my intention to hurt you, please Erin, let's meet this one time, I also want to return your car keys and phone to you"

The tone of his email was surprisingly calm, a stark contrast to the violence of the previous night. He begged for a meeting at his apartment, claiming he never intended to harm me and promising to return my belongings. But his words rang hollow, tinged with a sense of unease that I couldn't shake.

Can you believe it? I exclaimed in disbelief, forwarding the email to Licia. Despite my protests, she insisted on accompanying me to Devon's apartment, her unwavering support a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume me.

"Done at work?" Licia asked on phone. I had to get another phone to be able to communicate throughout that day.

"Yes babe, I just need to do some finishing touches to a few documents and I'll meet you at yours by let's say... 7pm?" I asked and she said she was cool with that.

Soon I was done and I met up with Licia.

"He really did that to you??" She questioned when she saw the huge bruise I tried to conceal with foundation and a neck scarf. "Oh he's gonna see hell today" she said with gritted teeth.

"I just want my keys and phone back" I stated, resting my head on the headrest.

We arrived at Devon's flat building, and I asked Licia to wait for me in the car, thinking it would be a quick in-and-out visit. Little did I know, the situation was about to take a terrifying turn. As I stepped into his flat, an unseen force hurled me across the room, leaving me disoriented and filled with regret for not having Licia by my side. Before I could gather my bearings, I found myself being lifted by the neck, the glint of a knife in Devon's hand. Fear gripped me, my heart pounding faster than I ever thought possible.

"God please" I silently begged desperately. I mean we all are gonna die someday but I've barely achieved the level of things I want so I can't die this way. Right?

"You're gonna get married to me, you are gonna love me!" Devon screamed to my face and I nodded frantically. "Words bitch!" He screamed again.
"Y-ye-" I coughed. "Yes, I will" I finally choked out. With an unnerving strength, Devon kept his grip on my neck, swiftly placing me onto his bed as if time had momentarily ceased to exist. It was an inexplicable display of power, as if he were possessed by an otherworldly force. My mind raced, struggling to comprehend the unfolding events.

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