You being in a band

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Michael Myers:

He doesn't mind that you are in a band as long as it doesn't bug him when he's doing something or sleeping

Jason Voorhees:

He would watch you practice all the time and also thinks your very cool

Billy loomis:

He would go to your shows and loves your music

Stuart macher:

He would follow you to practice and try to make you and your bandmates laugh


They would go to your practices and just chill out and have a good time. They'll sometimes bring food and drinks for you guys, your bandmates loves them


He would go to all of your practices and your shows, and thinks its super cool that your in a band

The miner:

He would want to try and play your instrument

Norman Bates:

He would totally listen to you and your band all the time

Brahms Heelshire:

He would sit there in the corner, watching you guys practice. Your bandmates think he's cute (like a child)

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