You being a doctor/surgeon

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Michael Myers:

gl cuz you'll be stitching and helping with his injuries all the time now, he likes to have you around bc of that

Jason Voorhees:

nice! he has his own personal doctor now,  he finds super cool and useful, now when he gets injured he'll just go to you and boom, it's healed

Ghostface (billy&stu)

they lucky as shit because they clumsy af so im sure they get a couple injuries from time to time, they like to have you around and thinks your very helpful


he finds it very cool on how you can just cure his wounds or cure his cold, he finds you very smart and he thinks it's like magic

The miner:

if he gets trapped in the cave he'll sure be feelin not that good and maybe will catch some diseases, but thankfully your there to fix him up

Norman Bates:

i don't think he needs one but if he does get injured you'll be there to help

Brahms Heelshire:

he needs one

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