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"ɪ'ᴍ ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ᴀ ʙᴏᴅʏɢᴜᴀʀᴅ?" questioned the young boy, turning his head from his mother to his father. After an eventful thirteenth birthday, he'd felt old and mature, ready to face the world. Finally, he was a teenager! Finally, he could start to learn all about Inazuma's politics! Finally, he was one step closer to becoming head of the Kamisato clan! Who knew that such narrow-minded thinking would only land him right here, in his father's study?

It seemed that with this piece of information, his carefree childhood was coming to a close. He could no longer roam around undercover, nor sneak out after curfew to play in who-knows-where. Some part of him knew that this must be what growing up was like, after all, he might need to become such a serious man like his father. How could he do that without some sacrifice?

On the other hand, his inner child squealed with dismay, shaking his head dejectedly. With this new step, his future as the head commissioner was basically secured. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Of course, having a plan for the rest of his life was reassuring, but having everything down to the finite detail planned out was quite suffocating. It truly was a deprivation of freedom.

However, Kamisato Ayato was always a people pleaser–even at such a young age–knowing all the good in the world would come to him if he treated the higher-ups well, so he merely smiled as his father affirmed his fears and patted his shoulder.

"Would you like to meet him?" asked the older man, exchanging a glance with his wife. Ayato nodded once, keeping his mouth shut as to refrain from saying anything unsavoury. That would be a bad look for him and an even worse first-impression for his future bodyguard. Upon seeing the affirmation, his father barked a simple command towards the entrance of the study, "(M/N), you may enter."

Ayato had expected some old and rough-cut elder, but to his surprise, what entered was a boy no more than 17. He was tall, very much so for his age, and he donned some inconspicuous black robes, complimenting his (H/C) locks. With lithe and confident steps, '(M/N)' entered the study, stopping in front of the three Kamisatos to kneel and bow his head.

"Commissioner, Mrs. Kamisato and the Young Master," he greeted, his knee still sunk in that position. Even from under his loose garments, Ayato could tell that the newcomer was strong and muscular, no doubt bearing the physique of a warrior. It contrasted sharply with his young and fair face, making the boy doubt his earlier assumption of his age.

Out of confusion, he shot a glance up at his father, some of his uncertainty transferring over in the look. The commissioner merely laughed, placing another firm pat on Ayato's shoulder as he addressed the new hire, "You may rise."

With agility and not a trace of nervousness, (M/N) arose from his position. Ayato examined the boy's face, taking in every feature as he yet again wondered just what kind of person he was. His father continued to speak.

"(M/N) here is a swordsman," Ayato's father said, producing a nod from the (H/C) teen, "He's the son of (L/N) (F/N), a renowned warrior and old friend of mine. Trained in all sorts of weapons and martial arts, your mother and I decided he would be the best fit. From now on, he'll be working as your bodyguard." (M/N) nodded again in assent, letting his attention wander onto Ayato for a moment before snapping back to attention.

"Oh, and he's only 16!" Mrs. Kamisato added, trying to ease Ayato's already mounting nerves, "We wanted someone younger so you could get along better." (M/N) couldn't help but smile, bobbing his head once again to confirm the certitude of these statements. Despite his straightforward and sharp appearance, when the swordsman smiles, it seemed his features melted, giving way to the giddy, childish happiness that Ayato himself had been enjoying just days ago.

"Well? Go on, greet him," the eldest Kamisato urged, nudging his son on the back twice. Ayato snapped out of his stupor, realizing he'd been standing there quite dumbly for a bit. He cleared his throat, putting on his 'serious' face. It was alarming how professional he looked already. His father secretly beamed with happiness, seeing how his heir seemed so up to task already.

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