1.2 The unknown Black Heir

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Bet you thought I'd never do it
Thought it'd go over my head
I bet you figured I'd pass with the winter
Be somethin' easy to forget
Oh, you think I'm gone 'cause I left

Can't catch me now
- Olivia Rodrigo


Walburga Black envied Sirius Black was everything she ever wanted to be, Orion always says they both are similar and she knows in many ways they are similar but Sirius have one thing she will never have. Bravery Sirius Black was brave and Walburga Black was a coward who hide her weakness by her rude exterior. Sirius Black managed to break free from her clutches if she would have hold fighter then may be her son would have been with her, but she let him go as Orion always said they both were so similar stubborn and unhinged. She envied him for being able to break free while she was still stuck there. Who were they to blame her when they knew nothing about her her father never cared about any of them Cyngus never showed any emotions while Alphard always made sure she was okay away from their deranged mother but things turned when he went to Hogwarts everything changed. Walburga hated those who thought she was some weak little girl her name itself meant 'Power of Fortress' and she was the strongest pillar of house of Black Arcturus and Cassiopeia always said that when she was younger only if they knew the truth. Irma Crabbe was a Termite and its termites nature to destroy the things. The strong pillar is hollow from inside but she won't let anyone even her mother lay a hand on her children.

Sirius Black looked at the person who was starring at him only to met with those dark grey eyes, he gulped he hadn't seen her since last year she wasn't his maman not the one he remembers he doesn't know where she lost. He still remembers it was her who thought him piano or the times when he injured himself she would fuss over him, he still remembers his maman who throwed grandmother Irma against wall when she tried to punish him with some curse she used to love him but then she changed she was no longer his maman she was Walburga Black the pureblood supremacist the one he hated the most. Sirius only hopes maybe just maybe she is still there because he can hate Walburga Black but he can never hate his maman.

Screen showed a large cottage and Sirius Black in all his glory was still sleeping while a baby was lying over his chest.

Cues of awws were heard across the hall Marlene McKinnon whistled at her boyfriend who turned into darker shade of red. Euphemia and Fleamont congratulating their second son.While Black family watched the scene with amusement no one but Regulus noticed the the faint smile that adorned his mothers face as she watched the scene with content even it was just for brief moment.
Marlene McKinnon entered the room and tried to wake her husband and son but no avail. Sirius only whined and tightened his grip over his son.

Marlene carefully picked her son Leo and put him aside taking out her wand she quickly summoned water and poured over Sirius who woke up belewillerd.
Laughter rang throughout the hall. Regulus Black bite the inside of his cheek to stop the smile while leaning onto his girlfriends shoulder.
He got up from bed and chased after Marlene who sprinted outside bedroom, soon the chasing turned into water gun fight both of them drenched from head to toe.
Walburga had thought her son married a woman who was mature than him but now she realized Marlene McKinnon was male version of Sirius just slightly tamed
Before they could go further their floo roared and Carina walked through it holding a baby boy who apparently looked to be 5 month old.
Orion perked up at the mention of his daughter and baby he knew his daughter loved Potter boy he knew she was happy with him he had accepted the fact that his tiny tornado was no longer tiny anymore and a grown witch but the stupid boy had married muggleborn witch and left his daughter he had hoped his daughter would find someone who will look after her and if she is having baby then she did he only hopes who ever it is takes care of his daughter like he did.

Sirius who saw his twin and nephew rushed towards them bringing them in hug followed by Marlene "okay okay you both are soaking wet now step aside and tell me where is my little lion" Sirius the dramatic ass he is places his hand on right of his chest and pouts "you wound me Rina..." the baby in Carina's arms makes grabby hand towards Sirius and Sirius picks him up ruffling his untamed hair who in turn giggled. "Ahha you have grown up quite have you not hades" Marlene cooed as she took him from Sirius arms and lead them towards Leo's room where Léo was wide awake now and had turned on his back his tongue sticking out as he looked up to see who entered his room.
Awws rang throughout the hall "Your baby is so cute Marls" gushed Alice
The screen showed glimpse of Leo Marlene and Sirius. Baby Leo playing with Marlene's little brother. Carina making funny faces at Léo.
Many of their happy moments flashed on the screen and it went blank
McKinnon Manor was shown on the screen it showed Marlene and Léo and rest of the McKinnon family enjoying their yearly gathering.
Marlene smiled glad that her family accepted and respected her as their Lady of house just like they accepted her mother untill Elio turns 17 she will be Lady of house her mother was worried about that.
The yearly gathering of McKinnon family was going well then suddenly out of blue a the small chandelier which was hanging above the end of dining table fell down with a bang and Marlene's aunt and uncle who were sitting below it were crushed beneath it and dozens of masked wizards appeared there. Marlene's uncle aunts and cousins duelled against them making shield for Marlene as she held Léo and Elio. "Marls take Elio Léo and run" Her cousin Diana said as she was throwed against the ground before taking the last breath.
Marlene clutched Sirius hands tightly as her heart raced at the speed of light. Her mother was a sobbing mess. Rest of the hall watched the scene with fearful expression on their face.
But before Marlene could react a green beam of light went past the barrier her family created and hit Elio who dropped on ground Marlene rushed outside of room and called their house elf Muffin "Muffin take Léo to Sirius go at James house and inform them of attack call for backup" The elf obediently took Léo and apparated away Marlene took a long breath held her wand but before she could go towards her family to help them she was blasted against the cupboard as she looked up at her attacker her eyes widened and "you we trusted you" "We thought you as our family"She shouted before grabbing her wand and sending a nasty curse towards the person who dashed put off room once more death eaters came and she started fighting against them but she was outnumbered one against seven she killed nearly four death eaters before she was hit with killing curse.
Silence spread over hall "atleast I went down fighting" Said Marlene Sirius who was hugging her tightly smacked her head hiding his face in her shoulder the only sound of sobbing from Sirius and Marlene's friends was heard. Carina went to confront her brother, those who supported darklord could not help but question their motives they were supposed to bring back the oldy ways pureblood ethics they sure were killing those muggleborn witches and wizards who didn't submitted to them but killing purebloods was not they were supposed to do.
The screen started again it showed Sirius Black aggressively blasting death eaters with darkening rage in his eyes as he casted darkest curses he knew.
Screen showed a small building with gate and name boards on it which read 'Wools Orphanage'
Dumbledore who was silent all time as everything was going perfect accordingly to his plans but he felt bad for Potter's and McKinnon's they were major light families along with Longbottoms but if he played his cards right he might be able to get their seats under him without realising he was being watched by Alastor Moody.
Albus Dumbledore who was looking at the orphanage with twinkle in his eyes put a basket in front of the gate took his wand motioned it in stars shape drawing a rune which he casted over entire orphanage and apparated away.
The screen zoomed towards the basket it showed small baby who appeared to be Léo.

..... ................. .....

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