" Who's the needy one, now? "

Start from the beginning

Hey, party tonight wanna come?


You looked at the message, hm a party? I mean you had nothing else to do, and what could go wrong with some alcohol and possibly hot girls? You replied back.


Yeah, sure send me the details!


Almost immediately, Redy sent the address and time. You smiled at her quick response. Before you started getting ready part of the message caught your eye.


Oh btw Bada is gonna be there ;)


It had been a while since you'd seen Bada in person, usually just seeing her on your screen. You thought to yourself, why not have some " extra fun " tonight? You got off of your bed and searched through your closet. You found the perfect tight dress, tight enough to make Bada go crazy. You grinned and started getting ready.

After a while you were finally ready, you headed towards the location to meet up with Redy. Part of you was excited to see Bada's reaction, and part of you was wondering if you could control yourself around Bada. Her effect is undeniably still working. You cleared your thoughts and arrived. You see Redy standing outside and running up to her engulfing her in a hug. She hugs you back and smiles. Her eyes travel your outfit.

" Hello? You look absolutely stunning "
she exclaimed."

" Thanks, Redy " you smiled.

" Let's head in, and find you some cute girls " she winked, and said.

Redy wrapped her arm around your waist as you entered the venue. The venue was booming with people dancing, flashing lights, bartenders making drinks, and a dance floor crowded with people. The atmosphere was just pure bliss of fun and drunks. Redy guided you to a table, it was with her crew 1MILLION. They all welcomed you, pouring you a drink and laughing. Shots after shots, drink after drink, drowning in the burning sensation of the liquid. Slowly losing your worries and welcoming the feeling.

After Bada saw Redy post about the party she knew she had to go because there was a possibility you'd be there. She told the rest of Team Bebe about it and they all agreed to go. The whole car ride there she was wondering if you'd really be there. And if she still had you wrapped around her finger. When she arrived she couldn't help but glance around hoping to catch your gaze somewhere in the crowds of drunks. But there you were with 1MILLION, chatting, laughing, and drinking with them. Ready getting slightly touchy with you, but you played along. Bada poked her tongue to the side of her cheek, if she didn't have you by the end of the night she'd lose it. It didn't help with the tight dress you wearing, and how it would slide up your thighs as you moved.

When she saw you on the dance floor with Redy, she was losing it. Your body was so close to Redy's, you two practically grinding against each other. Redy's face was close to yours, she pulled you into a kiss. In which you accepted. In that moment Bada had lost it.

After dancing with Redy you headed to the bathroom, trying to freshen up. Just to see Bada leaning on the door frame blocking the entrance.

" Can you move? " you slurred, clearly annoyed

" Why? Weren't you having fun with little miss Redy over there? You two were pretty close there" she said coldly

" Hm me and Redy are just friends." you slurred, still trying to get through the door.

" Hmm just friends," she said, still not moving

" Why do you care, you jealous or something?" you asked, moving away from the bathroom

Bada grabbed your arm and pulled you into the bathroom and closed the door. Putting you against the door, her frame towering over yours.

" Maybe I am? Especially when your wearing something like this" she said

Bada's hands trace the dress with her hands, slowly roaming lower. Till you stop it.

" What do you want, Bada? " you slurred, slightly pissed off by the situation.

She grinned and lifted your chin to look at her. She leaned her face closer to yours and whispered.

" I want you of course "

Almost instantly she pulled you into a kiss, almost a desperate one. Wanting to just taste your lips against hers. You pulled away and grinned at her kiss, and slightly laughed.

" What are you laughing about, " she asked confused.

" Still can't get over me huh? " you teased her. No your the one in charge.

Had a was caught off guard by your boldness and was shocked when you sat her down. She didn't have time to react before you sat on top of her lap and pulled her into another kiss. She hummed in response and rested her hands on your thighs. You two were lost in each other's touch, totally forgetting about the party. Her tongue is in your mouth and her hands roaming up your dress. You started planting kisses down her jawline, and slowly down her neck.

" Hm just like that, love " she groaned against your touch

You grinned and slowly started unbuttoning her shirt, as your kisses got harder. Had a would try and contain her noises but you wouldn't let her. Trailing hickey's down her neck.

"C'mon, Bada. Don't get all shy on me now. Use that pretty mouth of yours " you teased

You lifted her chin, pulling away from her. Leaving her all pouty and needy. Her arms pull you as close as she can bring you too. Wanting any sort of touch now.

" Who's the needy one now? " you teased

" Please just kiss me again " she begged

part 2? 👀

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