"Sounds like the human girl has a thing for ol Jack Skellington hm!"Oogie shouted cackling. Y/n stayed quiet. "Y/n what about your family? Your mother is worried sick about you, haven't you thought about her all this time you were here? Your family miss you dearly"

Y/n's thoughts went fuzzy hearing what Santa was saying. Speechless of what to say ,Oogie wobbled his way to the lever to lower down Y/n and Santa into the acid pit. "No no no no no.." y/n muttered trying to scoot away.

"Now don't worry! This will hurt a lot! Hahahaha!"



Three—Four—Five!! Bye Bye dollface and Sandman!"

Y/n shut her eyes tightly while Santa screamed in fear. Just then y/n felt a cold long strong arm slither it's way around y/n and away from danger. Y/n opened her eyes and saw

"J-Jack? You aren't—"

"Are you both alright? Stay here." Jack said patting y/n's head and then jumped onto the platform where Y/n and Santa were. Oogie confused not hearing a bit splash he pushed down on the platform and there was Jack looking very angry at him. Oogie's soulless eyes widened and he yelped backing away.

"Hello, Oogie."

"J-Jack! But-But they said you were dead!..You must be..Double dead!" Oogie shouted stepping on a button turning on a contraption. Making the floor beneath them start to movie. Jack almost loosing his balance and dodging the swing knifes of the moving machines.

"We'll come on! Bone Man!" Oogie cackled wobbling away. Oogie pressed another button making cowboy machines spring out and shoot at Jack, he jumped on top of them avoiding the bullets.

"Jack behind you!" Y/n shouted shuffling forward but Santa pulled her back. A big circular saw came down straight for Jack. He gasped and jumped out the way. Oogie not noticing a string from him getting stuck he launched himself onto the circular saw trying to escape. But Jack grabbed onto the string that was pulling Oogie.

"How dare you treat my friends so shamefully!"

Jack jumped getting the string he had in his boney hand stuck in a spinning contraction and sprinted to where Y/n and Santa were. Oogie shouted in pain "NOW LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! NO MY BUGS!"

Y/n turned away not wanting to see this happen, Oogie's bugs fell down into the pit of acid burning. Santa stomped on a bug that was escaping

"Forgive me Mr.Claus, I'm afraid I've made a terrible mess of your holiday.." Jack said with much guilt handing him back his hat.

Santa angrily grabbed back his hat "Bumpy Sleigh ride? Jack? The next time you get there urge to take over someone else's holiday I'd listen to her! She's the only one who makes any sense around this town! And you aren't supposed to be here! Good thing you were cause then this could have ended very bad!"

Santa stomped away putting his hat on. Jack rubbed his arm "I-I hope there is still time!—"

"To fix Christmas? Of course there is! I am Santa Claus!" With that Santa flew off and away to save Christmas. Jack in awe seeing him fly off, he swung around and his eyes locked on Y/n looking at him with a few scratches and having tired eyes. His eyes softened looking down at her.

"Y/n..my dear how..how did you manage to get here? Why? You could have seriously injured yourself—"

"Jack I had too, I had to do something. I'm sorry but there was no way that your plan could have worked, it was just not possible. I couldn't just stay put, I wanted to help and I—" she paused seeing Jack just staring at her with a wide smile and in awe. "I'm sorry I'm rambling—"

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