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A few hours passed and y/n finally woke up, well she was woken up by Zero jumping on top of her. She sat up rubbing her eyes. "what..?" Zero began kissing her face happily and then jumped off.

Y/n looked around to try and recognize the place she was in but couldn't.

Am I still dreaming?..

Y/n swung her feet to the edge of the bed and began walking to the huge window. Y/n flinched at Zero's barking. "Zero! Quit barking! You'll wake Y/n"

Nope..not a dream..

Y/n saw all of the Town and how beautiful it looked from where she was. "Oh! You're awake, did Zero wake you up? I'm terrible sorry if he did" Jack glared at Zero. "It's alright, don't worry about it.." y/n said rubbing her arm. Y/n looked up seeing Jack had a plate, Jack noticed "if you're wondering, I brought this for you" Jack walked over to Y/n lowering his arms to y/n's view.

Y/n's eyes lit up seeing Jack brought her food. Human food. "I was able to cook up something humans eat..since I don't think you'll enjoy what we eat here"

Y/n smiled taking the plate. And thanked him. "No need to thank me, my dear. It's a pleasure. Do you need anything else? How is your ankle?" Jack asked looking down. "It doesn't hurt as much"

"That's great to hear. Oh I meant to ask.."


"I think it was around here.." Y/n said walking further into the woods. "I haven't been this far from Halloween Town..this looks very new" Jack commented straggling behind Y/n. Zero barked floating in front of Y/n then into the woods.

"I apologize if I'm asking many questions, but you came across the doors randomly correct?"

Y/n turned her head to face him "no need to apologize Jack, and yeah. There was rumors that—"

"Woah! Y/n careful!" Jack extended his arm pulling Y/n into his grasp before she hits her head on a rock, for tripping on a branch. "it's really dangerous out here..are you alright? You aren't hurt right?"

Y/n stood up, grabbing a hold of Jack's forearm to regain her balance "sorry Jack. I wasn't looking where I was walking.."

"It's alright. Come, so you won't trip again" Jack smiled down at Y/n before continuing walking again further into the forest. A red blush forming on Y/n's face for Jack holding her hand protectively.

Y/n! What is wrong with you! You just met him! Get those thoughts out of your head, he is being nice!..to nice. Jack Skellington huh? The most gentleman guy I've met..

"Y/n! Are these the trees you told me?" Jack pulled y/n into the center of the trees now her recognizing them. "Yes they are"

Jack walked over to a very specific tree pulling y/n along. "What's this? This one looks very..odd"

Y/n peaked from behind Jack seeing it was the tree that had a Christmas Tree carved into it. "Oh, that's a Christmas tree"

Jack looked at Y/n confused by her words. "Christmas Tree..?" Jack looked down at the golden knob. Y/n turned her head getting a good look of the others. One for Thanksgiving, Halloween of course, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, Valentine's Day, Independence Day, and Christmas.

"Well it's nothing but pure darkness"

"Hm?" y/n turned back seeing Jack peaking his head into the Christmas Door. "When I can through a strong gust of wind pulled me into the pumpkin door..is there only wind in that one?" Y/n let go of Jack's hand walking over to another door.

Jack closed the Christmas door " Are they..other Holidays?" Jack asked.

"Yep, That one is Christmas the one you just opened, this one is of course Halloween, then St. Patrick's day, Valentine's Day, independence's day, Easter, and that is Thanksgiving. Holiday's we mostly celebrate"

"How fascinating.."

Just then the Christmas door swung open. It jumped seeing it, a mist of snowflakes passed Jack and floating to y/n. Zero barked following it then circling around Y/n. "Snowflakes..? That's cute- woah!" The wind pulled Y/n to the Christmas door. "Y/n!"

"Um Jack!?"

Jack grabbed a hold of Y/n before she was pulled into the door. More snowflakes floated out of the trunk swarming them both, and pulling them into the door. Eventually they both fell in, Jack holding onto y/n tightly. Y/n wrapping her arms around Jack's thin waist.

Soon they landed on a soft white snow. Y/n groaned holding her head. "I feel so nauseous.."

"Are you hurt?"

"I don't think so. Where are..we" y/n's eyes widened seeing a sign that read:

Christmas Town.

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