I find myself at a loss for words more often than not at how breathtaking he is. Without much effort at all he has the power to captivate me, taking the breath straight from my lungs and keeping it in the palm of his hand. I almost don't want to disturb his beautiful slumber; almost.

A few quick strides is all it takes for me to be next to him, a few seconds pass before my hands are on his shoulder. Shaking him gently and calling out his name to wake him.

"Noah" I start off soft, but when I'm calling out his name for the fourth time my patience is gone and I practically yell.

"Noah" it's loud, abruptly pulling him from his sleep and causing his eyes to snap open in a frenzy.

"Huh?" He mutters, voice sounding like he's chocking on a mouthful of gravel as he perches on his elbows.

"Where are we, and why do we look like we stepped out of a wedding party" i spitball at him, my worry causing him to sit up fully in a swift motion.

He rubs his palms across his face, his large hands gliding up and down his features slowly. As his fingers move I catch a glimpse of a new shiny sliver band that hugs his ring finger. The sight causing me to gaps audibly as I lounge forward and take his wrist into my grasp. I bring his fingers close, inspecting the jewelry closely as I try to come up with any and every excuse for this. He must of had it all along, there's no way this is what I think it is. It can't be. We aren't this dumb.

But the more I look at it the more the realization sinks in. My stomach drops, knowing that it's more than just a mere coincidence. I come up everything to explain it away, but I know exactly what we did. Without an ounce of clarity, it's all prominent.

We drunkenly eloped

"What the fuck did we do, Noah?" I cry out after a moment, voice cracking. Dropping his hand from my hold and gazing up at him through slightly wet lashes.

My heart hammers against my chest, hands shaking violently. It takes him a moment to gather himself, eyes examining me as everything starts to make sense.

"Did we.." he finally asks, voice cracking as it all begins to make sense.

"I don't know, maybe, but there's no way to know for sure until we ask someone" I admit, slumping down next to him and attempting to catch my breath.

There's no way we are this stupid, at least not myself. I have always been the voice of reason for everyone. But then again, all it takes is a few shots before I throw caution to the wind. I didn't think I drank that much, but now that I give it more thought maybe I did. It's hard to tell. My nerves got the best of me and I was just trying to drawn out all my emotions.

I feel Noah wrap his arm around me, pulling me into his side and planting a soft kiss on my head. He rubs his tender hand up and down my arm, trying his best to comfort the anxiety brewing in me.

"It's okay, pretty girl" he coos. And maybe he's right. Drunkenly eloping is quiet frankly the smallest problem I have ever been faced with. It could be a lot worse, but for some reason that doesn't provide me with the comfort I wish It did. Marriage was never in my plans, and certainly not with Noah. We have too much baggage to unpack, and complicating our already tumultuous relationship is the last thing we needed. But somehow our drunken selves disregarded all the complications that could arise and we somehow came up with a plan fed with pure vodka incudes nativity.

"I'm freaking out" I say, my breathing becoming uneven and wavering. I try to suck in enough breath to keep myself steady, in through my nose out through my mouth. But it seems useless as I feel myself get dizzy and panic starts seeping in.

Glass Hearts || Noah Sebastian Where stories live. Discover now