

I walk back to see Charlie and Roach still talking. I did make boba— my way. Roach looks over and waves, damn... do I have to communicate with him?

fuck it.

"Why are you called Roach?" I bluntly asked.

'Well, I've been caught in a few explosions and survived—'

"Like a cockroach, you always come back?" I interrupt he nods with a smile. He's cute... I think— well I think the other girls would like to look at him. He had a slutty waist too.

"We call him cockroach—"

"Gisele shut up!"


"Like a cockroach, he'll eat anything." Roach pursed his lips together before looking away giggling to himself. "It's useful he's my human trash disposal."

"Shut up!" Charlie annoyedly sighs making my head.

'Why are you wearing long sleeves?' Roach asked. I have my reason the main one is I don't like being asked annoying questions.

"Because I can." Charlie nudged me.

"Don't be an ass."

'Isn't it hot?'

"Not really."

"She used to wear long sleeves in Texas so... she has an immunity." Charlie jokes.

"Isn't this a beautiful sight?" I look over to see Gaz and Soap walking in. They were covered in a slight layer of sweat, clearly coming back from a workout.

"Beautiful," I mimicked him. Charlie looked away trying his hardest not to cackle.

"You think you're being funny."

"I'm Bri'ish," I mimic again. Soap looks away also holding back his laughter. Charlie collapses onto the ground gasping for air.

"You think you're funny?" Gaz glares.

"You must fink I'm schewpid innit." Behind me, I can hear Charlie break out into a silent laughter that was broken with the sound of a dying seal. In front of me, Soap on his hands and knees cackling his heart out.


Roach watched on with a slight smile. Her impersonation was so over the top it was slightly insulting, but he could not deny this was funny. He looked at her, her little smirk said it all. She's doing this on purpose.

"This isn't funny. Your accent is bad—"

"Your accent is bad," I mimic him this time a perfect recreation of his exact accent. His eyes slightly widen. The abomination of a British accent faded into a natural-sounding one.


"¡Fuera del suelo!" I yell at Charlie in a Mexican accent. He shoots to his feet smile gone and eyes wide.

"That's not funny!"

"Mi hijo—"

"Stop that!" Charlie points to me with a slight glare. He hates it when I use that accent, it always makes him remember his mother and grandmother.

"No this is funny—"

"Because it's not happening to you Gaz!"

"Wait—" Soap gasped for air. "Can you mimic Ghost? Or Price?"

"Yeah," I state looking down at the red-faced Scotsman. His face lights up and he stands to his feet.

"Can you do Ghost then?" He folds his arms a wide smile on his face.

"I'm not a man so It won't sound as nice..." I complain— sometimes I wish my voice was natural or deeper so I can do a perfect reenactment of men's voices.


"...I still have that voice changer microphone," Charlie speaks up.

"Go get it, man," Charlie jogs off and the four of us waited for him to come back. The next person to come in was Price he went straight for the kettle to make himself some tea.

"What's going on here?" He asks. I looked over to Soap, who looked at Gaz. As the Oldest here we sacrificed him to the captain.

"We're waiting for Charlie to come back with a microphone."


"Gisele is going to Mimic Ghost's voice." Price looks at me before arching a brow. He took a seat on the couch.

"Let's see if you can do it well, soldier."

"I'm a marine captain, not a soldier." I corrected him. I'm not an army person— not a soldier I'm a marine get it right!

An awkward silence sent in as we waited for Charlie to come back. Soon Ghost arrived with a mug and went to the kettle. I didn't look at him and neither did the others, they didn't even bother to say hello. He poured himself another cup of tea, and before leaving he stopped in front of us.

"What is the lot of you doing?"

"Nothing." I lie, looking at him calmly, knowing damn well I'm going to make fun of him in a few minutes. He gives me a slight glare before walking away.

"Bold of you—"

"Soap since you asked me to do this, and if he gets mad you have to sacrifice yourself for me," I tell him.

"Affirmative," He smiles. Gaz sits down next to Price with a slight smirk. The air was tense as we waited.

"Got it!" Charlie jogs back into the room a wide smile on his face.

I take the microphone and fiddle with it for a few seconds, as I did so try to make the setting perfect or at least close to Ghost's vocal range. I said hello a few trying to make the pitch decent.

"He's from Manchester," Soap said helping me get the accent. I nod and look down. I'm going to regret this, I look over to see Roach, Charlie, Soap, and Gaz with their phones out.

"Aye oh, Ayo more passion! More energy! More footwork!" I begin, it was the first thing that to my mind, the music played in my head like a circus tune.

I look over to see Soap and Charlie falling over silently fighting for their laugh. Gaz barely held it in, and Roach sat there recording with a wide smile. On the other hand, Price only had a smirk.

"What's going on here?" I fling the microphone out of my hand it hit Soap right in the forehead a loud doink reverberated from the microphone. I drop down to my knees as the microphone flies over my head. Ghost caught it with ease.


"Huagh Haugh!" Soap gasps for air as he rubs his forehead.

"That was..."

"PERFECT!" Charlie screeches for air.

'Y/n you sounded just like him!' Roach signs I look over and nod.

"I'm setting that as my ringtone!"

Author note:

For plot purposes which gangster name do you think fits Charlie/Diego:

- Acat (Mayan god of tattoos)

- Balam (Mayan for Black Jaguar)

-Kukulkan (Feather serpant)

I love it if you guys participate in my little questions I'll probably ask others.

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