Michael, Daniel and Andrea: what !?

Tom: we told each other about a few weeks after my brother's accident.

Andrea clapped her hands and acted all giddily which made Tom and the guys laugh.

Andrea: when can we meet her ?

Tom: to be honest, I haven't even brought that up to her yet.

Daniel: well take your time dude.

Michael: yeah, don't rush it if you don't feel ready to introduce her to us.

Andrea: oh yeah of course, only do it if your both ready to.

Tom: thanks guys.

Meanwhile, Priscilla was hanging out with Taylor and Mandy and while they were talking, Mandy asked Priscilla how things were with Tom.

Mandy: so how are things with Tom ? Is he okay ?

Priscilla: oh yeah he's fine, he was worried sick about Josh.

Mandy: he really cares about his brother.

Taylor: yeah, they've always been that way from what I've been told, they've always looked out for each other.

Mandy: aww, that's sweet,

Priscilla: yeah, but he is okay.

Mandy: and what about things between you and Tom ?

Priscilla: things are going great.

Then, Mandy and Taylor could both see that Priscilla had a playful smirk on her face as she was remembering how they have been getting closer and closer as a couple as they have been making out and the last time, they almost went one step further but they stopped as they want to be careful.

Taylor: what's that smirk on your face ?

Mandy: yeah, you've got that playful smirk on your face that you get whenever you flirt with Tom.

Priscilla giggled.

Taylor: wait a minute, have you two...... you know....

Mandy: did the damn thing.

They all laughed and then Priscilla answered Taylor's question.

Priscilla: easy girl, we haven't gone that far yet, we've just been making out... granted though we have gotten pretty close to taking that next step, I just want to make sure that we both want to.

Mandy: do you want to ?

Priscilla: oh of course, I trust him completely... I just haven't talked to him about it yet, I don't want him to think that I'm going to leave him once we've done it together, I love him so damn much.

Mandy: do you think he might not love you back ?

Priscilla: oh no, I know he loves me too, we told each other about a few weeks after Josh's accident.

Taylor turned to Mandy.

Taylor: Priscilla stuck by him and made sure he was okay because he was terrified of losing Josh.

Mandy: really ?

Taylor: oh yeah, she stayed the night at his place to keep him company the night of Josh's accident.

Mandy turned to face Priscilla.

Mandy: oh you are so in love with Tom, that is so damn cute Priscilla.

Priscilla: well I do care about him so much, I want him to be okay.

Mandy then decided to be a bit more nosy and ask Priscilla of Tom was a good kisser.

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