Chapter One: Earthrealm's Champions

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The time has come once again for Earthrealm and Outworld to partake in the Mortal Kombat tournament. Earthrealm has won this tournament for centuries to keep Outworld's tyrant ruler Shao Khan from conquering Earthrealm for his own. He was obsessed with conquering the realms, Outworld was his first and Edenia was his second. Fearing he would invade Earthrealm as well, Raiden consulted with the Elder Gods in hopes they could come up with an obstacle for Shao Khan, and in return, the Mortal Kombat tournament was created. Every 100 years the realms pick a handful of champions to partake in the battle. If Earthrealm wins again, Shao Khan, bound by the rules of Mortal Kombat can not take Earthrealm for his own.

The heavens roared with thunder as Raiden sat upon his celestial throne, pondering the crucial decision that lay before him. It was time to select the champions for the centuries-old tournament. This sacred duty weighed heavily on Raiden's divine shoulders, for the fate of the realms hung in the balance. Deep in thought, Raiden decided to descend from the heavens and visit the revered Shaolin monk temple. Known for their discipline, wisdom, and unwavering dedication, the Shaolin monks were exceptional candidates for the tournament. Raiden knew that the chosen fighters would need an unbreakable spirit, for the tournament entailed battles of intense brutality and unmatched ferocity.

On earth were the sacred training gardens of the Shaolin monk temple, where the young and spirited Liu Kang and Kung Lao engaged in their daily training session. Their friendship had blossomed over the years, and their mutual love for martial arts brought them even closer. Together, they sought to master the ancient techniques passed down through generations.

On this particular day, Liu Kang and Kung Lao stood facing each other, their eyes filled with determination. Liu Kang launched a series of powerful kicks and punches, aiming to test his friend's defenses. Kung Lao skillfully blocked each strike, his movements displaying agility and precision.

As the intensity of their sparring increased, Liu Kang felt a surge of energy within him. He knew it was time to unleash his signature move, the Bicycle Kick. With lightning-fast reflexes, he soared into the air, his legs spinning like a whirlwind. Kung Lao, caught off guard by the sudden burst of creativity, struggled to react in time. Liu Kang's devastating kicks hit there mark, and Kung Lao found himself crashing to the ground.

Quickly recovering from the fall, Kung Lao rose to his feet, a smile gracing his face. Despite his temporary defeat, he took it as an opportunity to learn and grow. The friendship between Liu Kang and Kung Lao was a unique bond that fueled their progress, driving them to push past their limits.

"Well done Liu Kang," Kung Lao said. "After all this time you still prove yourself to be the superior one in Kombat."

"Thank you, Kung Lao," Liu Kang replied. " It is an honor to hear that." 

"I'm gonna take a break, wanna join?" Kung Lao asked.

"Certainly." Liu Kang answered.

As the two young monks entered the temple, its aura seemed to envelop them, instantly calming their spirits. The scent of incense filled the air, mingling with the soft sounds of distant chanting. The two warriors felt a sense of tranquility wash over them, a much-needed respite from their rigorous training.

Finding refuge in the temple's dining room, Liu Kang and Kung Lao settled down at a small wooden table. The room was adorned with ancient tapestries, depicting mythical creatures and legendary battles. They leaned back, their tired bodies willingly succumbing to the comfort of silence.

A serving monk approached them with a gentle smile, his eyes reflecting years of wisdom. "Good evening Liu Kang and Kung Lao." He happily greeted. He noted their exhaustion and kindly offered them menus, detailing the humble vegetarian fare prepared within the temple's kitchen.

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