"Eenie, meenie, miney... left?" Lindsay suggested, Dj just shrugged and their team (well, duo) walked off.

"Whatcha think? Left? Yeah, left is definitely good." Tyler said quickly before joining Lindsay. Leaving his team no choice but to follow him.

Y/N and Noah were chatting to each other as both teams went deeper into the jungle. They were having such a great time that they seemed completely oblivious to Alejandro, who trailed along behind them, growing more and more annoyed. He didn't like how close they were becoming. Despite his plans to manipulate Y/N, he found it hard to even talk with her lately because of Noah.

"I was supposed to charm my way with Y/N but it seems like Noah is becoming an unexpected problem." Alejandro let out an exasperated sigh. "All I need is an excuse to be close to Y/N." He grinned,

Noah and Owen were now talking to each other, but just as Y/N was about to chime in, she felt a firm tug on her arm, pulling her slightly back, she turned around to see Alejandro was the one. Leaving her confused as the rest of the team continued walking ahead.

"Y/N, I think I saw something suspicious behind that bush. We should check it out to make sure it's safe for the team." Alejandro suggested.

She hesitated for a moment, a slight feeling of doubt creeping in, but reluctantly agreed, "Alright, let's take a look."

She couldn't help but wonder if Alejandro was truly concerned for their safety or if there was an ulterior motive. Nonetheless, she decided to trust him. After all, she was a little curious

Y/N approached the bush he gestured to, cautiously parting the leaves to reveal...nothing. There was nothing there, no potential danger, no hidden threat.

Y/N's brow furrowed in confusion as she glanced at Alejandro. "I don't see anything. Are you sure you saw something here?"

Alejandro flashed an apologetic smile, keeping his true intentions well hidden. "I must have been mistaken, Y/N. My apologies for the false alarm."

What a waste of time.

"Oh, it's okay. It's an honest mistake!" She beamed, and as Y/N began walking to catch up with her team, Alejandro caught up to her and started walking alongside her

The silence hung in the air, and Y/N couldn't help but wonder why he was so close to her. But before she could even ask about it, Alejandro spoke up.

"So, Y/N. I've been noticing you and Noah getting along quite well, Is there something more going on? Perhaps, you two have formed an alliance or..." He paused, "...maybe there's something else?"

Y/N raised an eyebrow at his sudden question, feeling a bit caught off guard. "..Noah and I are just getting to know each other," she replied cautiously. "We haven't formed any alliances or anything like that."

Alejandro nodded, seemingly satisfied with her response. "Very well. It's always important to keep an eye on these alliances in this game. You never know who might be plotting against you."

Uh huh...


Y/N's team gathered on the tall wooden platform, where they found a zip line but no T-bar.

"Where's the hanging on thingy part?" Tyler asked.

"Hanging on thingy?" Chris repeated, amused.

"You know! The riding stick! Grabby what-you-call-it, ugh! The zipper buckle handle!" Tyler said, clearly struggling.

"Getting colder..." Chris joked, making Tyler groan.

𝗘𝗡𝗘𝗠𝗬 𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗛 𝗕𝗘𝗡𝗘𝗙𝗜𝗧𝗦, AlejandroWhere stories live. Discover now