period bliss

447 4 0

FMC: Alex

MMC: Sarah

As the rain tapped gently against the windowpane, a cozy warmth enveloped the room. The soft glow of fairy lights cast a soothing ambiance, and the scent of chamomile tea wafted through the air. Sarah, wrapped in her favorite fuzzy blanket, sat on the couch with a hot water bottle pressed to her belly, her face contorted in pain from her menstrual cramps.

Her loving boyfriend, Alex, had noticed her discomfort earlier in the day and had taken it upon himself to make her feel better. He had brewed a steaming cup of herbal tea, sweetened just the way she liked it, and handed it to her with a tender smile.

"Here, love," he said, "I made you some tea. It should help you relax and ease the pain."

Sarah's eyes softened as she accepted the warm mug, her heart swelling with gratitude. Alex joined her on the couch, wrapping his strong, comforting arms around her. He pulled her close, allowing her to rest her head on his chest, where she could hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

They sat there in blissful silence for a while, the raindrops providing a gentle background melody. Alex's presence was a soothing balm to Sarah's aching body and soul. His fingers traced gentle circles on her back, sending waves of comfort through her.

When Sarah's eyes filled with tears from the pain and frustration, Alex was there to catch them. He tenderly wiped them away with his thumb and whispered words of reassurance. "It's okay, sweetheart. I'm here for you. We'll get through this together."

As the evening continued, Alex took her feet into his lap, gently massaging them to relieve tension. Sarah sighed in relief as his skilled hands worked their magic. She felt truly cared for and cherished in this moment.

As the pain began to subside, Sarah let out a contented sigh and nestled closer to Alex. With his arms around her, she knew that she was in the safest, most loving place in the world. Her heart swelled with love for this amazing man who had taken such wonderful care of her during her difficult time.

In the cozy cocoon of their love, Sarah's pain seemed to melt away. She closed her eyes, wrapped in Alex's embrace, feeling grateful for his unwavering support and the warmth that radiated from their love, even on the cloudiest of days.

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