Chapter 15: Forever and Always

Start from the beginning

The smell of strawberries wafted toward me and I turned toward the door. Jake was standing there with Alexandra and Alexandria behind him. I smiled and stood, walking up to him. My arms wrapped around his neck and squeezed him tight.

"Jake... I want..  I want to be like you... a vampire." I whispered.

"Are you sure? If I do it you'll have to sleep for a while. Food won't taste as good either." He said. I pulled away and stared into his eyes. Jake sighed and nodded.

Jake leaned down to my neck and dragged his fangs across my skin before they pierced my flesh. I gasped and bit my lip to stop from yelling out. Cold spread from my neck to my body. It was itchy and I had to grab onto his shirt to keep from falling. Jake pulled away as the liquid started to burn. He flicked his tongue over the bite and moved away. I smiled at him as my eyelids started closing. Before I knew it, everything went black and I passed out.

Jake's POV:

I stared into the sky and frowned. What in the hell was that all about? I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. Adam was her older brother and he hadn't been able to see her because of whatever reasons he had, but he didn't need to drag her away like that. School wasn't even over yet. I sat down on a curb and groaned, hoping he wasn't doing anything weird to her. I was worried, but they must've gone to her house. I could either head back to school or visit their house if she was even there. Why were things going so badly today?

I stood up and stretched my arms before turning to my sisters.

"Why don't you guys go back inside and I'll just take the car to go see if Vinnie's at her house." I said and extended my hand for the keys from Alexandra. She rolled her eyes.

"You're not going alone. We'll come with." She smiled and walked away.

"You know you don't have to." I groaned. Alexandra smirked.

"I know but Alexandria wants to." She whispered so only I could hear. I looked back at Alexandria who was smiling. I sighed and snatched the keys from Alexandra's hand.

"Alright but I'm driving. I don't want to almost die like last time." I unlocked the car and opened the door.

"One of these days you guys are going to get your asses kicked." Alexandra huffed and stepped into the car.

* * *

Once we got to her house, I noticed there were some scorch marks on the sidewalk. They were definitely here. I got out and jogged up to the door, Alexandra and Alexandria right behind me. I rang the doorbell and waited anxiously for someone to answer. I wasn't sure what I'd do I'd Vinnie was here or what I'd say. Her brother simply took her away without asking her. It was a dick move.

I sighed and shook the thoughts away as the door opened. Mrs. Monarch stood there with a bottle of water in her hand. Her eyes looked puffy, but I didn't ask her about it.

"Oh, hi you guys. Come in." Mrs. Monarch smiled and let us in. I looked around the house. It was well kept and had a piano by the window. Vinnie did tell me she played the piano.

She was definitely here too. I could feel it. Mrs. Monarch pointed upstairs and nodded, telling me it was okay to go up there. Vinnie resembled her mother a great deal with dark brown hair and blue green eyes. It made me smile again. I turned back to Alexandria and Alexandra. They nodded and we started up the stairs. At first I started out calmly but my inner vampire was getting agitated so I flashed the rest of the way.

I knocked on Vinnie's door and opened it when she said come in.

Vinnie was on her bed, staring at the wall. She had changed clothes and was now wearing pajama shorts with a tank top. Her eyes were droopy and her skin was pale, but I didn't say anything. She looked up and her eyes widened slightly. Vinnie stumbled off her bed and walked up to me. She engulfed me in a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around her and signed. She was safe.

"Jake... I want..  I want to be like you... a vampire." Vinnie whispered. My body stiffened.

"Are you sure? If I do it you'll have to sleep for a while. Food won't taste as good either." I replied. Vinnie pulled away and stared into my eyes. Without saying anything, I knew she was serious.

I leaned down to her neck and pressed my nose against it. Her sweet smell... My fangs descended and I bit down, releasing the venom into her veins. Vinnie gasped and clutched my shirt. I pulled away and licked the wound, sealing it. She smiled at me before collapsing in my arms. Her hands let go of my shirt as I put her on her bed. I smoothed it out as I turned to Alexandria and Alexandra.

"Can you guys stay here with her? Here's some blood to give her when she wakes up. Call me when she does." They both nodded.
"Or I will kill you." I narrowed my eyes at them.

"Shut up and leave already, god!" Alexandra huffed. I rolled my eyes and left the room.

I closed the door quietly behind me and walked down the hallway, down the stairs. I could hear the familiar theme song for Modern Family playing in the living room. As I stepped off the last stair, I could see Vinnie's mother on the couch watching tv.

"Goodbye Jake." She said softly.

"Bye Mrs. Monarch." I said and I closed the door behind me. I hope whatever happened today didn't happen again. I don't want that guy Adam coming back.

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