Chapter 2

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Sammy Davis Jr. was on the stage rehearsing. Ever since his brush with death, the man was nonstop. During rehearsals, he would jump around from instrument to instrument, suggesting how things could be changed to better suit the venue and more. He was all energy.

He began singing "The Lady is a Tramp" and dancing around the stage.

He stopped suddenly, "Hey, Pally, this might sound wild, but I'd like to add an instrumental bridge. May I?" he went to the piano where he began a riff of what he was thinking.

Meanwhile, Susie had entered the Copa Room. She had a hellish plane ride and arrived dead tired to the hotel to find out her room was not ready, so she made her way to the Copa room to at least set her stuff down and find out where to store her violin.

She watched as Sammy Davis Jr. tickled the keys of the piano. She had no idea that he was so skilled on an instrument. After he finished riffing, she began to clap.

He turned to face her and smiled, "Hey, thanks!"

When the song ended, he motioned for her to come toward the stage, "Can I help you?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm terribly sorry for interrupting your rehearsal, Mr. Davis. I'm just looking for Mr. Ken Lane. There was a problem with my room, and I need a safe place to store my violin."

"Violinist? I've heard all about you. Ken and Dino were all worried about finding someone in time for the shows. Hey, let me get ahold of Frank. He'll make sure your room is ready immediately."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Davis. My flight was less than enjoyable," she grimaced. Just thinking all about all of the turbulence made her feel green.

"Please call me Sammy. And you are?"

"Oh, I'm Susie Douglass. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Sammy smiled at her and shook her hand. As he turned to walk away and call Frank, he couldn't help but realize how uptight she seemed. Either they would all teach her to loosen up, or she would likely quit before the gig was through.

"Frank, it's Sam. I have a lovely lady here who is a violinist for Ken. Her room isn't ready."

Susie pulled out her compact and fixed a few stray hairs and touched up her foundation while she waited. As Sammy continued to talk, she sat down, crossing her legs at her ankles and sitting with perfect posture.

A couple of moments later, Sammy returned, "Susie, you've been upgraded."

"Oh, I can't possibly..."

"Listen, the boss said he's taken care of everything. One of his assistants will meet you in just a minute to get you taken care of."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Davis."

"You're welcome. Like I said, you can call me Sammy," he smiled at her.

"Sorry," she said quietly, "I'll remember that."

"Listen, I'm sure I'll get to know you more later, but I only have a little more time to rehearse."

"Oh please, go on ahead!"

"Nice to meet you, Susie!"

Sammy began to sing "Hey There" while Susie continue watching. Eventually a man, who looked like a body guard, approached her.

"Excuse me, are you Ms. Susie Douglass?" he asked gruffly.

She half assumed she was in trouble, "Yes..."

"I'm here on behalf of Mr. Sinatra to ensure that you get checked into your upgraded room with no further delays."

"Oh! Okay," she replied. When Sammy had said 'assistant,' she had even expected a woman or a clean cut gentleman who was in charge of paperwork and coffee. This man looked as if he was in charge of... enforcing?

"If you'll kindly follow me..." He led her back to the front desk where the man flashed a courtesy card. "One of our musicians needs a room immediately."

"Oh, I'm not sure immediately is the word," Susie said quietly.

"Huh?" the man turned to face her.

"Well, I mean it's not an emergency, I can wait a few minutes. It wouldn't be the end of the world. I can..."

"Listen, lady. The boss said you get a room immediately. It's my job to make that happen. If I don't it's my ass on the line, okay?"

"What's it like to work for someone so demanding?" she asked curiously.

"Sometimes it's hell, but when the chips are down, he takes care of us..." the woman at the desk interrupted him.

"The only available room is clubhouse level with the performers and conductors."

"Can I phone Mr. Sinatra to confirm that it's alright?"

The woman nodded.

Within fifteen seconds, Susie was on her way to the elevator to move into her club level suite for three weeks. As far as Susie could tell on the phone, Mr. Sinatra had told his assistant, who she learned was named Dave, one word: yes.

As they rode the elevator, Susie continued the conversation they were having earlier, "Dave?"


"You said something earlier about when the chips are down, he takes care of us. Who are you talking about and what do you mean?"

"Oh, Mr. Sinatra of course. He's a hard man to please. Call him a perfectionist, but he likes everything his way. But, when it comes down to it. He's a real nice guy."

"How do you know?"

"Well, he treats his staff real well. Take me, for example," Dave reached for his wallet and pulled out a photo of cute little girl standing with crutches. "My daughter was born with Cerebral Palsy, and I never even mentioned it to him. When he got wind of it, he phoned me and asked me what he could do to help. At the time, there wasn't much he could do, but when she got to school age, we got a call from one of the best schools near us confirming her enrollment due to an anonymous donation in her name. She's doing real good too. They've gotten her so far in just a short year. Mr. Sinatra's already paid her tuition there through her senior year, and the kid's only five. I mean he's never confirmed it was him, but I know it was."

"Is he like that with everyone who works for him?"

"Pretty much. If he doesn't like you, you don't last long anyhow."

The elevator door opened, and the two of them got off. Dave took her luggage to her room and turned to leave, "Pleasure to meet you."

"You too. Thanks again."

Susie surveyed the suite, stunned by the amount of space she had to spread out. On the dining room table, she spotted a note with her name as well as a floral arrangement.


This is a last minute arrangement since we couldn't get the space for tomorrow after rehearsal, but would love for you to join us for an orchestra dinner this evening at 8 o'clock. Look forward to meeting you.

She sighed loudly. She was tired and did not feel like socializing in the slightest but knew it would be rude of her to decline an invitation. With a deep breath, she headed to get ready for the approaching dinner.

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