Chapter 3

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Kinn:Call her.

Everyone attention went to him,not understanding what he meant by that. Kinn looks at Vegas with his deadly eyes.

Kinn:I want that scientist bitch here. I want her to take off the coller from Porsche.

Vegas immediately went out and call Jell. Tell her to take off the coller. Jell accept and tell him that that she will be coming.

Afew mins later,Jell and other scientists arrived. That bow to Kinn.

Jell:We are here to take off the coller,Khun.

Kinn:Do it quickly.

Jell nods. They go beside Porsche. One of the scientist pick up Porsche and makes him sit. He hold his head,making the coller more visible. The other scientist and Jell take some stuff and start to take off the coller.

Afew mins later.....

Kinn:Are you not done yet?

Jell: We'll be done soon,Khun. This takes time.

Afew more mins later,they finally took off the coller. Jell puts it in her bag. The scientist who was holding Porsche head lays him back on the bed and covers with the blanket. Kinn got jealous by it but controls himself. They pack their things to go back. At the same time, Porsche opens his eyes. Their eyes fell on him. Kinn sits beside him and caress his hair.

Kinn:You're finally awake. How do you feel?

Porsche just nods his head,saying he's ok. He tries to sit up so,Kinn helps him. Porsche finally sit up comfortably while laying his back with a pillow behind. Then his eyes fell on the scientists who were looking at him. He felt a shiver down on his spine. He holds Kinn's arm and looks at him with pleading eyes.

Porsche:K ...Kinn?!Pls!D... don't..l..let..them!!...pls...Kinn...

Porsche screams while begging Kinn to not to let those real monsters take him. Kinn hugs Porsche, trying to calm him down. Kinn glares at the scientists.

Kinn:Get the fuck out!! Right now!!

Kinn's scream makes the scientists feel shivers on their whole bodies. They bow and left from there. It would be more correct if we say ran away from there. Kinn rubs his back,put Porsche's face btw his palms and talks in a soft tone.

Kinn: Porsche,baby,calm down,ok? Listen to me.

Porsche was looking at him,eyes filled with fear and tears.

Kinn:Shhh,baby,I won't let them take you away from me. I won't let anyone hurt you,I promise. I'll protect you from everyone,ok?

Porsche just nods. He finally calms down. Then his eyes fell on the people who were looking at him. Porchay comes sits beside Porsche on the bed and holds his hand.

Chay:H..hia,do you remember me?

Porsche wipes his tears and looks at his little brother. He smiles and nods.

Porsche said happily while shuttering on his voice.

Porchay:Don't talk to much. You need to recover.

Porsche smiles and nods. Everyone talks to him one by one. At last,Vegas and Pete came. Pete sits beside Porsche and caress his hair

Pete:I'm so glad you're back, Porsche.

Porsche smiles.

Vegas:Hey, Porsche...


Porsche looks at Vegas who was standing with his big black cat eyes. Vegas smiles..

Vegas:If you need anything,don't forget to tell me,ok? After all,I'm your friend,right?

Porsche gives him a thumb up saying 'we are friends'. Kinn was just sitting beside Porsche silently. He's been waiting for everyone to get out so,he can spends time with his kitty. But Vegas and pete isn't planning to leave so easily and so soon. As they want to spend time with Porsche,they also want to tease Kinn.

Kinn has been burning in jealousy and Vegas and Pete know that but they just continue talking with Porsche,acting they don't know anything.

Afew mins later.....

Since Porsche is fine and safe now, everyone has left expect Vegas and Pete. Porsche is also enjoying his time with Vegas and Pete,almost forgetting Kinn who was beside him.

At last,Kinn has enough. He has lost all of him patience.

Kinn:Are you guys just gonna stay here or what?

When they heard Kinn's voice which was filled with anget,their attention went to him. Vegas and Pete smirk at Kinn behind Porsche back,he doesn't have a clue. Kinn was glaring at them.

Pete:Khun Kinn,don't be mean. We just want to spend time with our friend.

Kinn:You two have spend time enough. Now get the fuck out before I make you.

Kinn:Oi,Kinn, control yourself. Don't let your volcano to burst or it will destroy the whole world. Come on,Pete. Let's go and leave them alone.

Pete:Ok,Vegas. Bye Porsche. Take care,I'll come again.

Then Vegas and Pete leave while holding hands together,fingers into fingers. After they left,the silent came btw them. Kinn holds Porsche hand.When Kinn holds his hand, Porsche looks at him.

Kinn:Are you hungry, Porsche? I will make something for you.

When Kinn ask him, Porsche pouts his lips,showing that he's sad. Kinn saw his pouty lips....

Kinn: What's wrong, Porsche?Why are you sad?

Porsche shakes his head as no. Then he looks around like he's finding something. At last,his eyes fell on the small cupboard which was beside the bed. He points at the book and a pen which was on the cupboard, signalling Kinn to give him those.

Kinn takes the book and pen,and gives them to Porsche. After Porsche got those,he starts to write something. Kinn was confuse,what's Porsche doing? After Porsche done writing,he gives the book to Kinn. He open the book and read what Porsche wrote for him. After reading,he didn't know whether he should laugh or cry...


That's it for today my lovely readers.
Thank you very much for waiting.

My exams gonna start next week on Friday. I don't know if I will get time to update. But I will try my best to update for my lovely readers.
I just wanna say pls wait for me.

Thank you very much for waiting patiently.

See you in next chapter 💖💖

Love you all 😘😘🥰🥰

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