^^i messed up so fucking bad^^

Start from the beginning

linda: breath, breathe everything is going to be okay.
i said while hugging her.

after a while pablo came home.

pablo: im backk
he yelled from the front door

when he came at the hallway he saw me and moana sat on the first stairs.

pablo: hey what happened?
he asked with a worried expression.

linda: i'll tell you everything later okay?

pablo: yea yea of course no rush
i nodded.

moana: i will go to my room now
she stand up to leave.

linda: if you need me please call me
she looked at me and nodded.

and then she got upstairs.

linda: how are you baby?
i said while i got closer to pablo.

pablo: im fine don't worry
he kissed my forehead.

the best place.

linda: are you sure?
pablo: yes where did that come from?

linda: i don't know pedri said that you was strange today.

pablo: i don't know, i felt uncomfortable, so i just left before things went harder for me

i nodded and kissed him in the cheek.

pablo: leave me now tell me what happened when i wasn't here?
i nodded and dragged him to the living room.

we sat on the couch and i told him everything.

pablo: he just left like that?
linda: yes

pablo: he is so broken, he never left without telling me.
pablo: i'll try to call him
i nodded as he get up to call pedri.

where did pedri go im so worried about him.

pablo: he doesn't pick up the call
i look at him with a worried face.

pablo: hey,hey everything will be fine he is just somewhere trying to calm down, he won't do anything crazy you know pedri.
i nodded and hugged pablo.

pablo: don't hug me i still didn't shower from the fitnes.

linda: i don't care you smell so good anyway
pablo: that's because i used perfume.
he chuckled.

pablo: anyway i have to take a shower
he said while rubbing my back.

linda: okay
i said as i broke the hug.

pablo: wait for me here i'll come back right after the shower.
i nodded.

he went upstairs.

i was staying on my phone and scrolling down the tiktok.

after 15 minutes i heard some steps from the stairs.

it was pablo.

pablo: did i take so long?
linda: no
i opened my hands for him.

he came running like a little kid and hugged me.

as we were laying on the couch and cuddling my phone started ringing.

pablo got up and got my phone from the table and give it to me.

it was my sister calling me.

i opened as i sit up talking with her.

In the phone 📞

linda: hey sis
sofia: hey lilo how are you?
linda: im fine what about you guys are you all okay?
sofia: yes don't worry we are all fine
linda: that's great to hear
sofia: i called you because alina is crying because she missed you
linda: omg okay wait now i'll call again with my camera on
sofia: okay take your time

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