Breakfast buddies

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Codie POV:
For about 2 more hours I sit at the campfire on my phone. I dont know why, it just felt nice to be alone. At 11:00pm I decieded to go back to the cabins, and of course, it's locked. I sigh, and lay down on the porch of our cabin. It is very cold without the fire but I will pull through. I always do.

Noah POV:
I shoot up, almost hitting my head on the wooden ceiling above me. I groan from the horrible nightmare I just had, and look at my phone, 12:35am. I get out of bed knowing I won't be able to fall asleep for the next hour, and walk outside. The chilli wind felt good on my skin. I looked over to see what the other cabin that was connected to his looked like, but I saw Codie curled up in a ball shivering like crazy! "Codie!! Oh my god! What are you doing out here!!" I ran over to Codie and she sat up, tears pouring out of her face. "I- I tried to get into the cabin b- but it's locked!" She exclaimed, crying even louder. "Hey! I- It's ok!!" I tried to reassure her, but she still cried. I don't know what to do. "Um... your sleeping in my cabin tonight since it is not locked!" I say.

Codie POV:
I walk into the cabin, balling my eyes out. I try to calm myself down but it doesn't work. I am so cold. "Ok uhhh I guess get in bed with me, I don't know what to tell you dude, I'm doing the best I can." Noah simply states. He gets in the bed and grab one of the 2 blankets on the bed. "Thank you Noah, I really appreciate it." I said with relief, I'm so glad I don't have to sleep in the coldness of the night. "No problem dude!" Noah replies with a smile.

I wake up and check my phone, 7:00 am. I climb my way out of Noah's bed and leave to go to my own cabin. The door is surprisingly not locked anymore so I walk in. Courtney and Gwen are awake but Heather isn't. "Omg Codie! Where were you girl?" Courtney stands up and inspects me. "Last night when I came back to the cabin it was locked, and I know you guys would be asleep by the time I got back, so I slept somewhere else." I explain briefly. "Ohhh, oops! Sorry." She says. I walk over to my bed and put my phone on the charger, then grab my clothes for the day. I grab them and walk into the bathroom to get changed.

I look in the mirror and cringe at my appearance. My long, girly hair, my scrawny arms and legs, my skinny waist. But most importantly, my chest. I hate my chest so much. It's to big and bulky for my liking. I wish I was born a boy. I could just have a flatter chest, and maybe a better relationship with my mom. I felt tears prickle my skin, so I try to shake the agonizing thoughts away and get dressed.

Noah POV:
Once I wake up, Codie is not in my bed anymore. I guess she went back to her own cabin. I grab my clothes for today and get dressed. I look in the mirror and smile. I finally can look the way I want when I want. I walk outside to see where breakfast would be and I wait on the porch for another camper to come with me. Just then Codie comes out of her cabin, looking like she's about to cry.

She comes and sits right next to me on the steps of my cabin. "Hey!" She says, smiling at me with a gap between her teeth. "Hey. Can you come to the breakfast place with me? I'm starving." I ask. "Sure!" She replies, with a even bigger smile on her face.

Codie POV:
I follow Noah to the breakfast line Smiling with joy. Can I actually make friends? "Hey, do you play games?" I ask him. "Yeah. I like Minecraft. It's my favorite." He states. My eyes light up. "Omg! I love Minecraft! I have a hardcore world at home, I still need to beat the ender dragon on it though." I say with exitement in my voice. "Thats cool. Im more of a creative guy." Noah says. We walk into the cafeteria/mess hall and grab a plate of disturbing food.

Noah POV:
We talk about Minecraft some more and then sit down at a table with these 2 girls from out team. "My favorite game is Geometry Dash actually. I really like the music that goes with it!" Codie said, sitting down at the table. "Hey guys! My name is Izzy! I hope we can be friends." Izzy shook me and Codie's hands simultaneously. "Nice to meet you Izzy." I said. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you!" Codie exclaimed.

A couple minutes after we sat down, Owen came to us and sat down, shoveling food into his mouth. "Hegh guyhs!" Owen said with a mouthful of food. "Dude! Swallow before you talk! Geez." I smirked at Owens face as he swallowed all the food he just consumed.

"Sorry! Anyway, I have a very important question. Which do you put first, cereal, or milk?" Owen laughed looking at our faces. "I put milk first duh!!!" Izzy laughed. Everyone looked at her in shock. "What?! Izzy your a maniac!" I said in pure shock. Owen laughed. "Well, It does make it less soggy, but I pour cereal first, sometimes." Owen claimed. "That's why I only eat frosted wheats! They don't get soggy super easily." Codie said, poking at her slop on a plate. "Am I the only normal one here??? Just regular cereal. Cereal first, than milk. All the time." I looked around the table to see another girl, with black hair, pulled back in a ponytail. "Hey you! What's your name?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "Eva. And I don't know what you guys do, but I put my milk in the microwave, the. Pour ONLY Frosted Flakes. I only like Frosted Flakes." Eva crossed her arms. "Ewwwww that's gross. I could never" I say in disgust. Codie and Owen cringe at the thought of that. We talk more about our interests until we all finish our food, ready for a new day ahead of us.

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