First day blues

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Noah's POV:
I'm in the car, driving twoards this stupid camp called-  "Camp Wawanakwa! You will have so much fun there! That also means new friends!!!!" My Mom says, interrupting my train of thought. "Maybe, If I try hard enough." I snap back. "Oh hush it! We're almost there!" My mom claims. I start to get worried. "Mom... what if they don't put me in the boy cabin?" I ask, genuinely worried. "Noah... it will be fine!!! Don't worry." I sit in silence for the rest if the ride, reading.

Codie POV:      <---- (P.S This is Cody)
I look down at my phone and change the song. "How long do you think it will be till we get mthere?" I ask my airheaded mother. "I don't know." She blatantly responds. I should have known, she always talks to me like this! I look up the distance on my phone, 5 min. I am so ready to get out of this car, and away from my mother.

Noah POV:
I get out of the car and grab my suitcase, and totebag full of books from the trunk. "Ohh I'm going to miss you so much!" My mom hugs me tight and I try to hug back, but these books are so heavy! "I'm going to miss you to, mom." I successfully hug her back, then she lets go. I wave bye and walk into the camp.

Once I get in,  there is this paper on a pole telling us where to go, and what group, 'team' as they put it, we are in. I scroll through the paper till I see my name, perfect! I am in a cabin with Duncan, Owen, and Trent, Cabin 204. I start walking to my cabin, and once I get there, I realize all the other Guys are already in there. "Uh- Hey guys." I look around and see the top right bunk is the only one left, so I take it. "Hey." This punk kid replied. "Hey!! I'm Owen! It's nice to meet you! What's your name?" He asks crushing my hand in the process. "It's Noah, Nice to meet you to!" I introduce myself. "I'm Trent! Also, nice to meet you." He says from the left bottom bunk. "I'm Duncan." The emo guy dryly states.

Codie POV:
I look for my name on the pole. I am in Cabin 205 With Heather, Courtney, and Gwen. This won't be to bad! I walked to my cabin and saw that 204 and 205 are connected! Maybe I can actually get friends. When I enter all the other campers are in there. "Hey!" I say awkwardly, walking over to the only bunk left, a bottom Right one. "Hey! I'm Courtney! What's your name?" She shakes my hand, civil-like. "I'm Codie. Nice to meet you to!"  "I'm Gwen." The goth girl from the bunk above states. "And I'm Heather." She doesn't even bat an eye at me. To focused on filing her nails I guess.

I sit down on my very uncomfortable bed and get on Geometry Dash, the only sane game to play at this time. "Can you turn that down? No one wants to hear it." Heather states, scoffing, then looks back at her nails. I blush in embarrassment. "Oops, sorry." I reply. I thought my headphones were on! Stupid me.

10 mins later someone comes knocking on our door. "I'll get it!" Courtney springs out of her bed and opens the door. This man who looks like he is in his late 20s looks inside. "Hey campers! I am your camp counselor, Chris McLean." The guy introduces himself like he is on reality TV. "Uhhh hey?" Courtney turns her head to look in the cabin and waves us over to the door. "If you guys can come with us, we are going to go to the campfire and you will meet all the other kids on your team!" Chris explains.

Noah POV:
Great. Like I WANT more interaction today. We follow Chris to this campfire with log seats and sit down. I sit next to this scrawny girl with chocolate brown hair, and Owen sits on the other side of me. "Now! We are going to do a ice breaker and introduce our name, then our favorite thing to do!" Chris announces. "Ugh do we have to? That's lame." Duncan rolls his eyes. "Your treating us like we're 4!" He stomps his foot. "Yes! And since you have to complain, you go first." Chris states. "Fine. I'm Duncan and I like to commit crimes." Duncan smirks. Chris's smile fades, he doesn't seem fit to work with kids. One by one everyone says their name and their fav thing to do.

Courtney, Studying
Heather, Phone time
Gwen, writing
Trent, playing his guitar.
Suddenly it was my turn.
"Uh- I'm Noah and I like to read." I look at Codie. "I'm Codie and I like playing games!" She said happily. "Alright campers! Go get dinner and I will see you tomorrow!" Chris said. And with that he just stood up and left.

Codie POV:
... Did he just stand up and leave??? The other campers look just as confused as I was. "WHAT THE FUCK???" Heather screeches. She stands up and storms off. People start to leave while I just stare at the fire, I'm not really hungry anyway. "Hey, are you coming?" Noah asks her. "I don't know, I'm not really hungry." I turn my attention to Noah. "Whatever floats your boat dude." He walks off with the other campers. After he is fully gone I slaped my forehead, realizing what i had just done. "God! How can I push away potential friends without even trying?" I pull out my phone from my pocket and see what time it is, 8:30pm. I'll just play Geometry Dash.

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