Well, we blew up a building

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Arthor notes









Diffident meaning

Narrator POV, Plitover, years later

We enter on the golden city of Piltover, and come to the side of the building. We see Vi, Olive, Claggor, Mylo, Power, and Sebastion all older. Seb with his hair combed back, and wearing formal clothes like someone on Piltover with a messenger bag, and Olive, wearing a shirt leader jacket, a green blouse, and Jean, boot, and glove, with a wooden sword, on her side. They all climbing to the top of the building they are scaling.

Vi: "We're almost there."

She looks down, see three out of five of her siblings, both blood and found, but Sebastion and Powder having trouble climbing, for Powder being the youngest, and Sebastion outfit not meant to scale, his irritation visible.

Olive: "Come on Seb, you said you wanted to come to Piltover, it's your fault for dressing like that."

Sebastion: "When you ask if we wanted to see Piltover, I thought you meant a scroll in nice cloths and shopping, not scaling a build for something I don't know about."

Olive just chuckles as she reaches the top. As the last two finally got up, they oversaw the city.

Vi: "Hey Powder, come take a look at this."

Olive: "well here you nice sightseeing Seb."

Powder: "... Whoa."

 The six maned team see an airship fly overhead, much to Powder amazement. Olive was right, the view was amazing, the sky was unpolluted, the air was fresh, and everything was so modern.  

Vi: "Nice to get above it all."

Powder: "One day, I'm gonna to ride one of those things."

Mylo: "And one day... I gonna shot one down."

Sebastion: "Not with that aim of yours, could show the planet to save your life."

Mylo: "Hey, that gun was faulty, the sights were off."

Sebastion: "Blame the gun, yes its sights were off, but you, and I quote, I'm such a good shot, I don't need the sights."

That shut up Mylo. The 6 continue onward till they reach the end of the roof.

Claggor: "Vi, are you... sure about this?"

He get just a look from Vi.

Claggor: "I mean if we're caught-"

Vi: We're not gonna get caught."

She and Olive walk down and we see them look across the gap between them and their target.

Vi: "O, do you think we can make it?"

Olive: "Definitely, follow my lead." 

We see Olive slide down the roof, land on a small balcony with cupcake, jump across the gap, and land on the other side of the gap. We see this followed by Vi, Mylo who get cocky, Claggor with a cupcake in his mouth.

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