The Wager

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It starts off with Manolo Holding his guitar in the air next to him is Y/N holding a wooden sword next with her sister Maria, and Joaquin.

"No Retreat" Joaquin.
"No Surrender!"Manolo.
On this Festively Day, enchanted day, Families bring food and offerings to the alters of their beloved.

And on this particular day of the dead after centuries of being banished Xibalba had enough.

Really My Dear, You have no idea, how cold the Land of the Forgotten has Become
Xibalba Explained.
Just like your heart Xibalba
just like your heart. La Muerte chuckled.

Xibalba went to an old man at a grave and blew out the candles
while La Muerte light the candles back up.

La Muerte Chuckles.

Why must I Rule a bleak wasteland, while you enjoy an endless fiesta. I the Land of Remembered .
It's Simply unfair.

Xibalba was about to kill a man but then La Muerte stoped him.

La Muerte:
Xibalba! She slapped his hand away from the man's hat.
Xibalba: What!? It's his time more or less. Xibalba grinned.

La Muerte: Uh huh. Not today my love.
Come on, My dear. Trade lands with me I beg of you.
La Muerte: Oh, you're so cute when you "beg" she says sarcastically.
Xibalba: "I'm serious I hate it down there!"! La Muerte: "Hey"! You're there cause you cheated!

La Muerte: You made your bed with that "wager". You're not the man
I fell in love with all those centuries ago.
As La Muerte crosses her arms.

Xiblaba: Uh, Let's not dwell in the past, "Mi "amor".
La Muerte: "Hmph"
Xibalba: "Anyway I was thinking". "How about another wager..."?
La Muerte:
"You think you can calm the flames, of my anger with another bet
"What exactly do you have in mind"?

Xibalba: "Let's check out the menu for the evening".
"Ah look there my love. Classic mortal dilemma". Xibalba Stated.

Xibalba: "Two boys and two girls, best friends no less".
La Muerte: Ah in love with the same girl

Y/N and Maria two sisters watching,
Manolo string up his guitar before, Joaquin comes up and distracts Manolo.

Joaquin: "Fear not Señorita"! Your hero has arrived"!
"Is that So"? Maria said.
Manolo: "How dare you interrupt a "guitarrista"

Joaquin and Manolo then start to play fight,
with their wooden swords and Guitar and, swing it every and try too hit on another.

Manolo goes up to Y/N and starts playing and Y/N laughs. Right before Joaquin knocks him down and shows off his mustache to Y/N.

Y/N: "Haha" Y/N giggles.
Joaquin: "The girl is mine"!
Both sisters look at each other and look concerned.
Manolo: "Never"! "She is mine".
Maria looks at her sister and nods.
Y/N gets up from her seat and pushes both of the boys.

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