Chapter 24: Compared losses.

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It had been a week since he told me he was leaving, it had been three days since Retsu texted me with the news that he was dead serious, and sent me Baki's booking pictures and my heart dropped.

The loss of my lover made me feel cold, I couldn't eat, could barely sleep, and I had been mean and nasty to everyone I was around, the thought of him potentially being in more danger than I could imagine made my stomach turn.

Yet he was the strongest man I knew, right? Even stronger than my dad, and any opponent he's ever faced, no matter the challenge he's always faced with an open mind and a passionate fighting spirit and heart. But then I quickly remembered Yujiro, the ogre, the strongest man alive. The week before Baki left, news got around that.

Yujiro took down a Giant African elephant with his bare hands, the thought of that alone made my skin crawl, that poor elephant. Baki took the news exceptionally well.

"Typical dad, I challenge him to a fight, infront of thousands of people, and he takes a trip to Africa, and kills a fucking elephant," he said scrolling through his phone, "what did you expect know you your dad, like the back of your hand," I said playing in his hair as he lays his head between my thighs, "yeah but, you just don't know what he's thinking, but true,  if a man, can break his wife's back and kill her without any reasoning and no reprocussion at all, then you're right, this is exactly exspected" I blink looking at my ceiling, "I know you hate hearing this Baki, but you two, are exactly alike." Baki lifts his head to look up at me, before he looks at his phone sighing, "I've been hearing that a lot lately honestly" he said through a tired sigh.

I turn my head to my door after looking up from my letter to Baki to my dad's interruptive knocking, "another college, you applied in Tokyo?" Dad asked handing me the mail, I put my pen down along with the mail he handed me, "yeah, I tried to apply tothings closer so I wouldn't have to live on campus," Dad leans up against my door frame his arms cross, I blink at him, "well, I didn't walk my ass to the mail box and up the stairs to your room for nothing, are you gonna open it?" He said to which I chuckle.

"I have a couple of options to go from, I like reading my note alone just in case i didn't make it to save the embarrassment, also, I've been thinking a lot I don't even know if i wanna go anymore honestly," My dad sighed,

"listen Jasmine, I didn't raise you to give away your future over no boy, I get it he's Baki he's the love of your life, but Baki isn't going to ruin a perfectly good chance for you, I won't let him, open the damn note."

I grimmance at how he spoke about him, turning my head to pick up the letter, I open it without second thought reading through before sighing in relief handing him the note, "I got in, hang it on the fridge," I say picking up my pen continuing to write.

My dad sighs closing the door, "alright smartass.." he said with an obvious proud grin.

Yet I wasn't proud at all..I wasn't happy. I could care less about college I just wanted him..I wanted Baki, I wanted you.

As the months passed I started to lose hope, and I figured that was just best to allow me to keep going. I decided to go to Tokyo University, I couldn't help the fact that this was now my home, this place was way better than America.

Dad glanced up at the dorm door as he held the bag in his hands panting, I glanced at him and grabbed my bag going into my room. I look around at the mini apartment placing my bag on the table, Dad brought me a few extra things, a tv, some food, pillows and bedsheets and my own curtain for my side of the room.

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