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Latrice walks into the kitchen of her dad's churrasco restaurant with a smile on her face as she greeted all the chefs and servers. The aroma of sizzling steaks and spices filled the air, making her stomach growl in anticipation. She loved being here, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of her father's bustling restaurant.

Walking straight into her dad's office, Latrice greets him with a warm hug. "Hi papa, did you need to see me?" she asks, fixing her hair net over her ponytail. Her father looks up from his desk, his eyes twinkling with pride as he gazes at his daughter.

"Mi hija," he says affectionately. "I wanted to talk to you about something important."Curiosity piqued, Latrice takes a seat across from him. Her father leans forward and begins explaining.

Latrice couldn't contain her excitement as she listened intently to her father's words. A Kpop group shooting a YouTube video at their restaurant?  a chance to witness the glamour and excitement of the entertainment industry up close.

As her father chuckled at her enthusiasm, Latrice felt a surge of pride. She knew that he trusted her to handle this unique situation responsibly. The responsibility only fueled her determination to make sure everything went smoothly.

With a wide smile on her face, she reassured him confidently, "Don't worry dad, I've got this." She quickly put on her apron and name tag, readying herself for an extraordinary evening that lay ahead.

Her father followed suit by cautioning Latrice about the numerous cameras that would be present in the restaurant. He emphasized the importance of being careful not to disrupt the shoot or draw unnecessary attention towards themselves.

Understanding the significance of his words, Latrice nodded attentively. "I understand completely," she replied earnestly. "I'll make sure everyone stays focused and carries out their duties without any hiccups."

Latrice had always been close to her father. There was a special bond between them that she cherished. Her dad, with his warm hugs and comforting presence, always made her feel safe and loved. It was something she missed terribly when she moved away from him.

Her mother, on the other hand, was a different story. She believed in tough love and rarely showed any form of affection towards Latrice. Their relationship had always been strained, with constant clashes and misunderstandings.

As Latrice prepared to pursue her lifelong dream of dancing and producing music, she knew it meant leaving home again. However, she had her father's unwavering support.

 "I know you'll be gone in a few days," he said softly.

"Dad don't..." Latrice interrupted him with a shaky breath, As she prepares herself for tonights events.

"I'll visit as often as I can and call you whenever possible." She tried to smile reassuringly at him despite the heaviness in her heart.

"I understand," he replied with a genuine smile filled with pride for his daughter's ambitions. "I know how much this means to you."

He walked back to his desk and took a seat while gathering his thoughts, after the hug they shared a few minutes ago. 

"Have you told your mother yet?" he asked cautiously.

Latrice hesitated before answering truthfully, "Not yet."

"She deserves to know," he insisted gently. She could tell that nowhere deep down, her dad was still in-love with her mother.

"I'll tell her when I'm ready," Latrice responded firmly but respectfully before making her way out of his office. She didn't want to prolong the conversation or add any unnecessary tension to an already complicated situation.

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