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~Douma POV~In his room ~

I should probably take shower , I haven't had one in 2 weeks  eww. 

~Slight smut??-No one POV~

Douma starts to take off his shirt revealing his bare skin to the cold ,which gave douma slight shiver, he then started to undo his knotted plait with great pain. When he finally finished he started to slowly unbuckle his belt and yank it off, straight after his pants flew straight to the floor which only left his boxers on. Douma then bent dow picked up his old clothes and threw them on his bed. He then gently held his boxers (which is still on) and slowly removed them revealing a long and hard dick, he then started to stroke it, appreciating how long it was . After a few minutes he picked up a towel and entered his bathroom..

~Akaza POV~

It had been about 20 minutes since he had talked to muzan and akaza didn't have luck on his side. Well there was only one room left to look, Douma's room. *Sigh*

"I guess I'm going to his room"akaza whispered

He started to walk down noticing all the blood on the walls that mus of been more then 100 years old. Akaza had finally reached Douma's room and without a second hesitation he opened the door to see a normal room. Akaza just decided to camp there because douma was probably going to come.

"Why is Douma's clothes on the bed" akaza wondered"I could leave them or..."Without a second to waste, akaza picked up Douma's boxers and took a whiff of the boxers and it smelled like heaven to him. For the next 5 minutes akaza layed on Douma's bed and continued to sniff it. Akaza eventually got bored and slowly sat up and stayed there for a few seconds untill he heard a door unlock, he knew it wasn't the bedroom one (he had already locked it)so it had to be..

Douma walked out of the bathroom letting all the steam out. Douma then started to make his way to the while holding his towel to his waist, douma had not noticed akaza yet untill he got close to the bed.

Douma the showed the widest grin akaza had ever seen and akaza knew that this wasn't going to end well.

"My~ My Akaza-dono , I didn't know this is what you do in your free time"

Akaza was speechless and was a blushing mess at this point not only because douma was topless and in a towel but also being caught holding Douma's boxers.

"Hmm~ if you really want to 'it' then come ask me instead of sniffing my boxers"douma said in a teasing tone.

All akaza could do was whisper something.

"Hmm~ what was that akaza-dono?"douma asked in a mocking tone.

Akaza felt ashamed of saying this but knew deeply that he wanted to have sex with douma.

"I want to have sex with you. OK!"Akaza finally said with enough courage. Douma couldn't help but chuckle, and the he leaned in to akaza's ear and whispered seductively"ofcourse"

Things are getting spicy

Also sorry for not uploading more frequently 😕😔

Is this emotion? DoukazaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora