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The last thing akaza wanted to hear was the biwa being struck but he heard it. 'for god sake, just when I was about to eat' akaza cursed in his mind.


~Akaza POV~

Great, just great."Akaza-dono don't ignore me!!"Douma is upper moon 2 more powerful than me but he is soo fuc*ing annoying. He wears a red kimono, a belt, a beige and baggy pants and has multicoloured eyes, metallic hair and only eats females(that really annoys me).


"Tf you want"-a

"I only wanted to see if my bestie was okay"he said with a sad face.

"Go away you bastard"-a


I used all my force to punch Douma's head off like I do every time I see him, I swear to god that he is a fucking  2year old. Then I gave him the death glare which should make him stfu but he laughs it off.


"That's what you get bitch"-a

"But akaza--"

"Shut up I'm sick of you always thinking I'm your 'friend'..we are not friends and I hate you soo much that I hope you die of poison". When I looked up after lashing out at him he still had his fake as hell smile on.


"Don't fucking dare try to 'akaza-dono' me you demon without emotions!!"-a

"What do you mean ??"-d

"Ofcourse you wouldn't know"-a

~ just so u guys don't get confused



Thx for reading if u are! I will be posting a new chapter every single Thursday <3

From Kapa-chan~

Is this emotion? DoukazaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin