Oneshot: Akane x Male Reader - The Secret Admirer

Start from the beginning

As you reflected on your feelings, it became increasingly clear that a different approach was necessary. You understood that confronting Akane in the heat of the moment might not yield the desired result. Instead, you needed to find a way to reach out to her that would convey your true intentions and show her the depth of your care.

An idea began to form in your mind, one that involved a more thoughtful and heartfelt gesture.


"Flowers?" Akane murmured in surprise as she discovered the bouquet waiting for her in her locker. Delicately, she plucked the fragrant arrangement from its place, revealing a small letter attached to the bouquet.

"I believe in you!" the letter declared in elegant handwriting.

As Akane stared at the message with a perplexed expression, you observed her from a distance, silently willing your gesture to have a positive impact. You couldn't help but hold your breath, hoping that this small token of encouragement would bring some cheer to her troubled heart.

With the bouquet in her hands, Akane began to walk away, the flowers a vivid contrast to the turmoil in her eyes. Your heart ached with the desire to offer her solace and understanding, even from a distance, and you hoped that your message would serve as a reminder that someone cared about her and believed in her strength to overcome whatever challenges she was facing.


"You have a secret admirer, Akane!" The taunts and jeers of their classmates echoed around you as you stood outside the school building. Akane, the girl you secretly admired from afar, walked past you, surrounded by a group of people who were reveling in teasing her.

Your heart ached for her as you clenched your fists in frustration. You couldn't stand seeing her being ridiculed and humiliated like this.

As Akane continued walking, you knew you had to do something, but your initial approach hadn't been successful. It was time to try a different tactic, one that would hopefully change her day for the better.


Determined to bring a smile to Akane's face and offer her some encouragement, you decided to leave a small box of chocolates in her mailbox. Along with the chocolates, you attached another heartfelt letter, hoping it would brighten her day.

As you carefully placed the chocolates inside her mailbox, you couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and anticipation. You waited anxiously, hidden from sight, as Akane eventually arrived home.

When she opened the mailbox and found the chocolates and the letter, you watched her reaction closely. To your relief and joy, a warm smile spread across her face. It seemed that this small gesture had managed to bring her some happiness and relief.

"Don't give up!" the letter inside the mailbox read, your words of encouragement reaching her when she needed them the most.


As you were about to discreetly place another thoughtful present in Akane's locker, a voice suddenly pierced through the air behind you, causing you to freeze in place.

"You can stop with that, right now."

You turned around to find Akane standing there, her expression a mix of disappointment and disbelief. Your heart sank as you watched her approach, her gaze never leaving your trembling hands clutching the present.

"Why would you do this for someone like me?" she choked out, her voice quivering with emotion.

Stammering, you attempted to form sentences, trying to explain yourself, but the words caught in your throat. Finally, you summoned the courage to speak your truth.

"Huh? Because I..." you started, your hands rising slightly in a defensive gesture, "I like you, Akane."

Akane scoffed in disbelief, taking a few steps back as if your confession had pushed her away.

"You? Me? Why would you?" she questioned, tears welling up in her eyes, her voice filled with anguish.

"Akane..." you said softly, gathering your resolve and taking a few tentative steps toward her, "I just like you for who you are, Akane."

Her response was a broken sob, and you couldn't bear to see her cry. Without thinking, you reached out and gently wiped away her tears with your thumb. Your touch seemed to surprise her, and she stared at you, her eyes filled with a mixture of vulnerability and uncertainty.

You cupped her face with your hand, caressing it gently. Akane's emotional dam broke, and she began to cry in earnest.

"I've been treating you so badly... so how-?!" she cried out between sobs, her words muffled by her tears.

"Because my feelings are real," you replied, your voice filled with sincerity and warmth. You watched as Akane's tear-filled eyes locked onto yours, searching for any hint of insincerity.

In that fragile moment, Akane finally broke down, and you pulled her into a tight embrace. You held each other, tears mingling, neither of you willing to let go. It was a moment of vulnerability and acceptance, a turning point in your relationship that allowed you both to see the depth of your feelings and the possibility of a genuine connection.


(A/n): I love being single.

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