Part 2:Changes that have to be made to the Open Zone

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Ok time for the fun part,first off keep the Open Zone, it's the perfect formula for new Sonic games.

However,one thing that needs to change is how they're designed,one problem with Frontiers is how automated everything is having the player just watch Sonic launched by dash pads and springs while they're not doing anything,instead,make the level design revolve around using Sonic's speed to launch yourself through the stage,look at all the various fangames that use momentum as a key mechanic and how people are using the Spin Dash in Frontiers launching themselves from various inclines and make level design revolving around that.

Speaking of the Spin Dash,I love it but I think we should nerf it by making it more like the Sonic Adventure Spin Dash and less like the Lost world spindash,instead of holding the left trigger while moving,holding the left trigger  instantly revs up the Spin Dash and letting out would give Sonic a burst of speed,you would also be able to spam the Spin Dash just like in Advenure.

One major thing thst should change is the boost mechanic,instead of holding down a button to make Sonic boost,you could gain enough by running down a hill and gaining speed like the classics and when you're fast enough, you will get a blue trail behind you like in Sonic Advance 2.

Another thing I want to change is the structure of the Open zones,you could still fight enemies to unlock mini stages but maybe make it for like the ps1 Spyro games and have Open Zones that are more like a hub world and the main stage,and have the stages in the hub world act as mini Open Zones where you can do select missions and fight enemies to gain gears to unlock mini stages to unlock keys to progress through the game,also for the hub worlds you can keep the small challenges that reveal the map but for the actual stages, have the map be already complete so you would have more time fleshing out the main challenges in the stages.

Also for each world,I would like two things,hardcore tower climbing levels,and a Big The Cat fishing pond.For the tower levels,I want them to be a test for your platforming and speed skills with a strict time limit and three lives,if you fall off,you would fall into a bottomless pit ,luckily,there would be checkpoints that give to time boost and if you complete the challenges you would either receive a new combat ability or the golden outfit.

For the fishing gameplay,keep it the relatively the same except for one thing,instead of pressing a button in a red circle,you move the left stick to reel the fish in to make it more challenging.Reel it too fast and the line breaks,reel it too slow and the fish escapes,if you catch a fish you would be able to gain points to buy outfits like in Mario Odyssey that reference many parts of the franchise including the Soap Shoes,the Movie shoes,the Sonic Boom scarf and sportstape,and many more. You could also buy gears,though they would cost a lot of points and you will not be able to buy keys.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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Improvements I want to the Sonic Frontiers formulaWhere stories live. Discover now