Chapter 5- Pay attention.

Start from the beginning

"So what do you major in?" Carter ask to strike up a conversation I assume.

"Physiology, you?"

"Same actually."

"Oh wow, who would've thought." I  say.

"What's that supposed to mean? I don't look like the type to like physiology.?" He ask while raising a brow.

"Nah, not really" I say reaching the door of the cafeteria. As I go to push the door, someone on the other side swings it open, causing me to stumble inside . Great. Just great. I try to catch myself, but it's no use. I hit the persons chest, hard before they reach out & grab my waist.

"You don't pay attention to things very well do you?" That same husky voice I've learned to hate speaks.  I look up to see Dante peering down at

"I do. I just didn't see you. Look- I'm sorry ok?-"

"Right." He responds. I go to move & realize his hands are still on my waist. As if something clicks in his head, he lets go, and his glare is now on the person behind me.

"You good?" Carter ask while stepping in between me and Dante.

"Yeah, just a bit clumsy." I offer him a tight lipped smile.

"Hey! It's the roomie"

I feel an arm drape  around my shoulder and look up to see Jayden? Jay? Whatever his name is looking at me.

"You  have 2 seconds to get your arm off me or I'll chop it off." I snap.

"You wouldn't hurt your best bud would yo-" . I elbow him in the ribs before he can finish his statement.

"Son of a bitch, you pack a punch." He says while heaving and holding his side.

"Cmon Carter."I say while grabbing his hand and dragging him inside.

"How did you end up with Jayden as your roommate?" Carter asks as we make our way through the cafeteria line traffic.

"I didn't. The asshole is my roommate." I answer.

"Dante?! As in Dante Di Silva?! Is your roommate?!"

"Unfortunately. I'm not 100% sure how I ended up with a male roommate either." I shrug.

"Well, you don't talk to Dante or anything do you?"

"We've only had a few chats, haven't really been here long enough to talk to him though."

I say setting my tray down on the table before pulling my chair out.
"Good, you don't want to." Carter says while doing the same.

"Why?" I question.


"Hey bitch!" someone says and sits down beside me. I look to see my long term bestfriend Queen.

"Queen hey! I thought you weren't coming til next semester?!"

I say while giving her a hug. Queen plays soccer. She's a monster at it & probably the only reason I am as good as I am. She was supposed to come during the spring semester.

"Figured I'd go ahead and start this semester here, I just flew in last night. Now, who's white chocolate over here" she ask while pointing at Carter.

"Q!" I say while slapping her arm lightly.

"What Z? I'm just curious." She says before picking up her slice of pizza and taking a bite. This girl has no filter.

"Queen this  is Carter, Carter this is my best friend who has no idea what a filter is, Queen."

"Nice to meet you Queen." Carter says with a nervous laugh.

"Yeah, yeah you too. You gonna eat that?" She points to the cookie sitting on Carters plate.

"Well I wasn't going to-"

"Can I have it? K thanks." Before Carter can even answer her question she reaches across the table and takes the cookie off his tray.

I gasp."Queen you can't just take people's food like that, he isn't used to you yet.."

"My bad Carter." Queen says.

"It's alright I'll just get another one." he says as he starts to get up. I jump up from my seat

"no, no, I'll get it, it's the least I can do."

"Grab me one too girl!" Queen yells while still chewing on Carter's' cookie.

"Bitch no" I respond as I make my way to the desserts.

What a way to the start my first day in college huh?


What do we think about Carterrrrrr?! I hope y'all aren't getting bored yet.... Just give me a few more chapters before things get.... Good. Please vote/ comment.

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